Third a Kiss (Goddess Isles #3) - Pepper Winters Page 0,3

hungrily and as mercilessly as any predator.

And my body hijacked my mind. My hands snatched my dress, I feigned to the side, and I ran.

Oh, my God, I ran.

I didn’t know I could be so swift, leaving my hair like a flag fluttering behind me.

Sully laughed.

He laughed.

And I ran harder.

Chills shot over my body. My stomach fisted with true terror. The pounding of his feet behind me made me embrace my inner gazelle, and I bolted.

I couldn’t look behind me.

Couldn’t bear to see a man who’d reached the end of his limit chasing me. Not chasing me for fun or flirty play. But chasing me with only one purpose. A purpose that would ensure I would never be the same. He was a man who I’d drugged and deleted everything inside him apart from the need to fornicate.

It wasn’t Sully chasing me.

It was a monster.

I ran and ran.

But I wasn’t fast enough.

The heavy thuds of his long strides drew closer, closer.

The jittery panic of trying to flee but knowing I’d already lost swamped me. The sand was too thick. The air too humid. My dress too tight.

No, no—

Violent arms wrapped around me, jerking me to a stop. His teeth were on my throat a second later, sinking deep, his tongue licking my sweat, my horror.

I wriggled and squirmed as he dragged me against his heaving body. He felt taller, stronger, bigger—a man in his sexual prime.

His hands fisted my breasts, one on each swell, pinching my nipples and kneading the weight with savage fingers. His mouth never unglued from my throat, his breath scalding my skin from his nostrils, his hips rocking, always rocking, undulating us together.

With a snarl, he swept one hand to my throat, and the other dived between my legs. The dress refused his possessive grab, the material straining tight.

Grunting something I couldn’t understand, he grabbed my chin, snaking his fingers to cup my cheeks and jerking my head to the side. The second he had me prisoner, his mouth smashed onto mine. He kissed me all while holding me from behind. His tongue plunged into my mouth, diving deep, making my legs buckle.

Stars burst behind my eyes as he sucked on my tongue.

Firecrackers exploded as he forced my mouth open wider and kissed me until I drowned.

I’d never been kissed like this.

Kissed as if we had only one purpose on this planet. No rules, no shame, just heat and the undeniable need to fuck.

He held nothing back this time.

He poured everything he was down my throat, making me gag on his hunger.

Even when he’d yanked me from the bath and kissed me before giving me to a guest, even when he’d kissed me on Serigala, he hadn’t allowed me to feel this. To feel what he did. To witness how dark his desires had burrowed.

This kiss had no boundaries or confines.

This kiss was just teeth and tongue and spit.

I moaned as his hand on my chin kept me completely at his mercy, kissing me stupid, dragging forth a stampede of creatures. Not just butterflies, not just fireflies or moths with their papery, tickly wings.

Sully made my body become an arc. A broken, shipwrecked arc rapidly filling with teeth and fang, claw and venom, twisting and clenching with so many different beasts. My stomach was a riot with hoofed and horned prey, my heart torn to pieces by carnivores.

A loud rip tore through the heavy humidity.

The tightness of my dress fell away as Sully clawed at the expensive gown, inserting his hand into the split he’d made, grabbing my pussy with trembling, greedy fingers.

He grunted as he discovered how wet I was, how my thighs were coated in lust for him, how this entire chase and hunt and conquest had made me naturally starving for him.

I didn’t need elixir.

I didn’t need safety or Scott or sanity.

I needed him.

His unshackled desire allowed me to be honest too.

I’d never felt this way about anyone, ever. Misplaced, definitely. Moronic, undoubtedly. But utterly inescapable.

Two fingers speared inside me.

“Oh, fuck—” I cried out into his kiss, consumed by his touch around me, within me, upon me.

My voice triggered something in him, and he thrust his touch deeper into me, his kiss turned feral, and he hauled me from the sand so I hung completely at his mercy in his control. He held my weight with one arm around my waist while his other hand remained buried between my thighs.

An orgasm bubbled in my blood, already gathering pressure to pop. He marched us Copyright 2016 - 2024