Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,84

she was trying to prove that I still wanted her even though I was pissed, then she was doing a fantastic job. "Are you trying to make me break my word?"

"I want you to break it. I want you to show me what it's like to truly live."

Fuck it. I stepped forward, pressing her back against the door.

Her hands immediately clasped behind my neck, drawing my lips toward hers. I could taste her lust. I could feel the passion that she so badly wanted to downplay. It mirrored my own.

I made short work of unbuttoning her shorts and pushing them and her thong down her hips. I lightly pressed the pad of my thumb against her clit and relished the moan she made. God, this girl was even hornier than me. I slipped the tip of my index finger inside of her. She was absolutely dripping.

She moaned again.

"You're so wet for me, baby." I encircled her wetness with my finger. "If you were a good girl, I'd go down on you. I'd eat your pussy until you came all over my tongue. I'd fuck you with my fingers nice and slow until you unraveled on my hand. But you're not a good girl, Daphne."

Chapter 29


He thrust his finger deep inside of me.

Holy shit. I had never been this turned on in my life. I hadn't come here for this. I just wanted to apologize. Why did I want him so badly when he was angry?

"And if you want those things, you're going to have to beg for them. Because all I want to do is punish you." He slipped another finger inside of me. "God, you're so fucking tight."

That was why I wanted this. I wanted him to punish me. Yes, he was a good guy, but he certainly knew how to be bad.

He pumped his fingers in and out of me. "What's it going to be, Daphne? Do you want my tongue or my cock? I'm making you come either way." He pulled his fingers out of me and slid them into his mouth, sucking off my juices.

Everything he did was so sexy. He was an arrogant, cocky asshole, and I loved it. I didn't even know what to say. I just wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me.

"Get down on your knees and start begging for my tongue." He pulled a condom out of his wallet. "Or spread your legs for me." He ripped open the foil and shoved his sweat pants to the ground, revealing the biggest erection I had ever seen. "You have five seconds to decide before I fuck you without one." He handed me the open condom.

As much as I wanted this, I did not want to get pregnant or get any diseases he might have. "That's incredibly irresponsible, Rob." Why did him being irresponsible make me want him even more?

He smiled. "Put the condom on me then, sweetheart. The clock is ticking."

I wanted him. I didn't care that we barely knew each other. I didn't care that we were in the middle of an argument. I rolled the condom onto his length and looked up into his dark brown eyes. "I want you to punish me."

"Right answer." He grabbed my ass, lifted my legs around him, and thrust deep inside of me, slamming my back against the door again. "Fuck you're so tight."

"Oh God," I moaned at the same time. He was so big. Now I wished he had taken his time teasing me, making sure I was ready for him. My fingernails dug into his shoulders and I tightened my legs around his waist.

"You okay, baby?" He kissed my neck as he moved his hips slowly. "Let me take it slow for a second."

I instantly felt more relaxed and the pain of stretching to accommodate him was quickly replaced with pleasure. "I thought you were supposed to be punishing me?"

"I don't actually want to hurt you, Daphne." He pressed his forehead against mine.

The gesture made my chest feel tight. The only problem was that he was going to hurt me. Because there was no way this meant as much to him as it did to me. I moved my hands to the side of his face. "See, you are a good guy." Please be a good guy.

He stared into my eyes for a second. The anger was gone. There was something softer there. And I felt a connection that I wasn't sure I had ever felt before as he slowly Copyright 2016 - 2024