Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,62

can actually break dance?" Alina asked.

"Yeah, I'm a great break dancer."


"Maybe I can show you a few moves later."

She laughed. "Bryce would love it if I came home knowing how to break dance."

Matt shook his head, clearly defeated by the women on either side of him.

"Well," Kristen said. "I hate Justin Bieber so much that it hurts. I love Disney movies. And I have a crush on my professor."

"Jesus Christ," James said under his breath. "Does she ever let up?"

I laughed. "No. She's been obsessed with you ever since you walked onto campus."

"Yeah. I had my suspicions. How do I make her stop?"

"Seduce her?"

James frowned. "I'm not going to..."

"I'm just kidding," I said, cutting him off. "I know you wouldn't do that. Just try to ignore her." I was actually really impressed by how nice of a guy James was. He clearly would never cheat on Penny even when a girl was throwing herself at him. And it wasn't like Kristen wasn't attractive. She was gorgeous. Guys would kill to sleep with her. But James was so sweet. Even when he was clearly on drugs. I looked over at Rob. Was Rob that good of a guy? Was he sweet? If we started dating, would he cheat on me?

"Are you lying about Disney movies?" Layla asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No. I really do love Disney movies."

"You're lying about the Biebs," Matt said.

"Yeah, I actually love him. He's on my list too." She winked at James, who looked the other way.

"How the fuck do I get on this list?" Matt said.

Kristen laughed.

"Well, I love the Biebs too," Layla said. "I've eaten an entire medium sized pizza by myself. And when I was little, I wanted to grow up and be an actress."

"You're lying about the pizza," Mason said.

"Nope. You'd be surprised by how much I can eat."

Mason laughed. "I do know how much you enjoy things in your mouth, Layla. That's kind of how we were introduced in the first place." He smiled.

She laughed. "You're so bad."

"Speaking of Ethan, how is he doing?"

"Really? That's your segue? He's great, though. Thanks for asking."

"Good. Then you're lying about wanting to be an actress?"

"Yup. I always wanted to be a meteorologist."

"Such a serious little kid."

Layla laughed. "I guess so."

"Okay, well I don't love Justin Bieber like you ladies, but I do like the idea of him," Mason said.

"What does that even mean?" Rob asked.

Mason shrugged. "That's up to you guys to determine. I also got a perfect score on the SATs. And I like to nap after sex."

"You're lying about the weird loving the idea of the Biebs thing," Rob said.

"Nope. I really do love the idea of him."

"You're so weird."

"No, I think it makes sense," I said. "I don't really love his music, but he has a few catchy songs. And he was discovered on YouTube right? That's pretty cool. He went from nothing to stardom like that," I said and snapped my fingers. "And little girls swoon all over him. It's a pretty awesome life."

"You totally get me, Daphne," Mason said with a smirk.

I laughed. I liked Rob's friends. And I really liked Rob. All the red flags were starting to disappear. None of that mattered. The more I thought about it, the more I thought Rob was right. I had been putting passion on the backburner. But I liked this feeling. I wanted to indulge in it. I smiled at him.

"That makes you weird too," Rob whispered.

"Then apparently you like weird girls."

"I guess so. I certainly like you." He put his arm behind me on the chair again, this time resting his hand on my shoulder. The feeling of his skin against mine sent chills down my spine. He started slowly making circles with his thumb.

"You're lying about the napping after sex thing," James said.

"Precisely," Mason said. "After sex, I just have more sex."

James groaned. "Ugh, I miss Penny."

"Don't mind him, ladies, he's just incredibly horny."

James' eyes got huge. "Why the fuck would you tell them that? Especially her," he unsubtly nodded his head toward Kristen.

I tried to hide my laugh.

"Me?" Mason asked. "You just groaned about missing Penny after I talked about sex and a few minutes ago you went on and on about how she won't have sex with you before the wedding."

"I did not. I would never talk about my private life in public."

" kind of did, man. Sorry."

James folded his arms across his chest. "Shit, is it my turn?"

"You chose the game," Mason said with Copyright 2016 - 2024