Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,52

did mind. We were in public. "What is wrong with you?"

Rob laughed. "Suit yourself." Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Put me down," I hissed and hit his back with my palm, while my other hand gripped the back of his suit jacket tightly so that I wouldn't fall headfirst onto the floor. Oh my God! Damn it! He meant pull down the bottom of my dress so I wouldn't be showing my ass to the entire freaking restaurant. I was a mooner. I was a public menace! "Please, Rob, put me down." My voice was more desperate now than upset.

I felt him pull on the bottom hem of my dress. He kept his fingers on the edge of the fabric, ensuring that it wouldn't ride up anymore.

"Is that better, beautiful?" he asked in his stupid charming voice.

"Don't call me that." I tried to squirm out of his grip, but it just made him hold me tighter.


"Yes, beautiful. It's unnerving."

He laughed and placed his hand firmly on my ass.

"What are you doing? You can't just touch my ass without my permission."

"Well, if you're okay with mooning the whole restaurant..."

I lifted my head to see people staring at us from their tables. I knew what he meant. If he didn't hold my dress, it would lift up when he set me back down on two feet. Bastard.


"So, let me just make sure I get this right. You're giving me permission to touch your ass?"

"It's not like an ongoing invitation. It's just this one time so I don't moon everyone."

"I'm going to need to hear you say I can touch your ass at least two times tonight before I agree to these reckless shenanigans."

I was beginning to realize that not only was Rob the sexiest guy I had ever met, he was also the most exasperating. "Fine. Whatever. You're such an asshole." I needed his hands off of me immediately. When he touched me, my whole body felt alive. Knowing my luck, my desire for him was dripping down my exposed thighs for the whole restaurant to see.

He laughed and placed his hand on my ass again as he bent down and set me into a chair. Rob's face was an inch from mine, but the distance didn't last long. He placed a soft kiss against my lips. "I'm afraid I can't stop calling you beautiful. It's just a fact, Daphne." He sat down in the chair next to me as I tried to even out my breaths.

I wish I just felt light headed from him holding me over his shoulder like a terrible two year old, but it wasn't that. He made my heart race. And my stomach churn. It was like I was on a terrifying rollercoaster and I was getting close to the part of the ride where they make you freefall hundreds of feet to what sure seems like your death. Please don't let Robert Hunter be the death of me.

"Hey," James said, making me jump.

Whenever I interacted with Rob, I seemed to forget about everyone else around us. I tore my eyes away from Rob and turned to his brother, who was sitting right next to me. I could feel Kristen's death stare without even looking at her. Rob had placed me in the only seat next to James. Mason was sitting directly on the other side of him.

"Hey," I said. "James, right?" Rob and him looked very similar. Except Rob was a little shorter and he had shaggy hair whereas James' hair was short. I had seen James around campus before, even though I had never taken one of his classes. His hair was usually perfectly styled, but in the humidity it was a little wavy and unruly looking. I knew why Kristen was attracted to him. He seemed so poised, so together. Yet he had this air of danger about him. I couldn't explain it exactly. Like a nerdy bad boy. He was even wearing glasses tonight, which added to the whole look.

"Yup." He smiled and shifted slightly away from me in his seat. Clearly my staring at him was making him uncomfortable. I hadn't even meant to stare. Rob's hands on me had just been so damn arousing that now I was acting completely inappropriate. "I'm the asshole's older brother," James added.

I laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Oh, no, you're good. Rob is definitely an asshole."

I laughed. "I know, right? He's...infuriating." Infuriating? Copyright 2016 - 2024