Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,12

Jaguar's Den was decorated with fake foliage everywhere, which made it look like we were in the middle of the rainforest. I couldn't help but think that they should have just made it an outdoor restaurant since we were actually in the rainforest. The music was blaring into the hall of the hotel. There was definitely quite a dance party going on inside. I looked around at the decorations as we entered the restaurant.

"Good evening," the host said in a sexy accent.

I turned toward the voice and put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't burst out laughing. Who dresses like that? He was wearing only tight black shorts and a jaguar-pelt headdress that left his muscular torso completely exposed.

The host didn't seem to notice my reaction. "Four?" he asked.

I dropped my hand and nodded. I wasn't sure why my first reaction was to laugh. He was gorgeous. He had a perfect six pack and his skin was tan and smooth looking. The longer I stared, the more I appreciate his attire. And it made me start to wonder when was the last time I had seen a man naked. Was it really during college? Had I not had sex in over a year?

The host grabbed four menus and held out his arm to escort me to the table.

I looked behind me. I was sure Kristen would be all over linking arms with this half naked man. But three more men dressed just like him had appeared to escort my friends.

"Oh, okay then," I said awkwardly and linked my arm with his as he led us to our table. I couldn't help but feel how strong his arm was. Stop squeezing his arm, psychopath.

I immediately released his arm when we got to our table. "Thanks," I mumbled and slid into the booth.

He smiled at me. "Pablo will be your server this evening. He'll be right with you."

Kristen slid into the booth beside me. As soon as the host was out of earshot, she said, "I love this place."

"I think men should always dress like this in restaurants," Layla said.

"Here's to that," Alina agreed.

"The three of you are ridiculous. None of you are single. Stop ogling the wait staff."

"Speaking of being single," Alina said. "That host was totally staring at your breasts. You should tap that."

I could feel my face turning slightly red as I pulled the neckline of my dress up a little higher. "I don't do one night stands, you know that."

"Yeah, but we're here all week."

"I'm not hooking up with a stranger in Costa Rica."

"But it's my bachelorette party! I have to live vicariously through you."

I glared at her. "You already picked the movie on the plane, Bridezilla."

Alina made a pouty face.

"Good evening, ladies." Our waiter had appeared at the table, and he was dressed exactly like the host. His body may have been even more ripped. I quickly glanced up at his face after I realized I was staring at what he was barely hiding behind his tiny shorts.

"I'm Pablo and I'll be your waiter this evening. Is this your first time at the Jaguar's Den?"

Kristen put her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand. "It is indeed, Pablo."

He smiled. "Then I must tell you about our spicy shrimp skewers."

"How spicy?"

"Oh, very spicy." He rolled his "r" slightly and winked at her.

"That sounds delicious. What's the best drink that the Jaguar's Den has?"

Pablo rubbed his chin. He looked like a statue. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Our bartender makes the best pi帽a colada I've ever had."

"Well, maybe we can start with a round of those?" Kristen said.

"I'll just take a water." The champagne had made me feel slightly queasy earlier. I wasn't used to drinking very much. And I couldn't handle anything else on an empty stomach.

Kristen elbowed me. "She'll take a water in addition to the pi帽a colada. And maybe we'll take two orders of the spicy shrimp to start?" She looked around the table.

"How big are the skewers?" Layla asked.

"Oh, very big," Pablo said. "And there's two per appetizer. But we find that most people can only handle one at a time."

Layla blushed. "That sounds perfect."

I wanted to snap my fingers. Bring me food already! My friends were being terrible.

"I'll let you ladies have a moment to look over your menus. And I'll be right back with your drinks and appetizers." He smiled and walked away.

"His ass is amazing," Layla whispered. "Why don't all men wear shorts like that?"

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