Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,109

first time in a long time, I could honestly say I wasn't upset about Derek. It was weird being in the rainforest. It seemed so peaceful. And the humidity almost hugged me, making me feel safe. Derek was gone. It wasn't my fault. There was nothing I could do about it, except remember all the good times. I touched the bracelet on my wrist. Maybe I should have left it on the forest ground. Maybe I could leave a little piece of him here. I think he would have wanted that. But for some reason, I couldn't do it. I didn't want to forget.

A piece of jewelry didn't remind me of him, though. I was holding onto a trinket that meant nothing. My fingers fumbled with the clasp and the bracelet fell onto my opposite palm. It had been more of a shackle if anything. I was done living with regrets. I was done feeling like I couldn't move forward. But still, I couldn't let go. I gripped the bracelet tightly in my fist and continued walking.

I wasn't at all surprised when I realized I was on the path that led to the waterfall. I wished I could say I was going there to say goodbye and move on. But it was the opposite. I wanted something to hold onto. I wanted to remember Rob's hands on me beneath the cascading water. I wanted to remember how sexy he looked when he caught me staring at him after our fight. I wanted to remember how desired he made me feel. I didn't want to move on. Not from this. Not from him. I wanted him.

When I reached the waterfall, I stopped. My past wasn't going to ruin my future anymore. I wouldn't let it. And I wasn't going to ruin this place with memories that didn't belong here. I took a deep breath and threw the bracelet in the opposite direction of the waterfall. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"Are you going to make me go find that again?"

A huge smile spread across my face. I must have looked like a crazy person when I turned around. "You're here."

"I'm here." Rob smiled.

God I loved that smile. "What are you doing here?"

"It's my waterfall."

I laughed. "It's not yours. You can't own something in the middle of the rainforest."

"Especially when a beautiful woman keeps showing up. Maybe that makes it ours."

Ours? I hated the distance between us. I wanted to run into his arms and kiss every inch of his perfect face. "So, you got my voicemails?"


Oh my God. He hadn't heard my crazy voicemails? If he did, he'd probably be running in the opposite direction of me. "Well, since you're here, you don't really need to listen to them. Actually, if you hand me your phone I can just delete them for you."

An even bigger smile spread across his face with each word I spoke. "Oh, now that I'm thinking about it, I did get those voicemails. I don't know why your hands aren't all over me if you're in love with me, Daphne."

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" I could feel my face turning red. Maybe if I just avoided talking about my confession of loving him, he'd let it go.

"I was on a plane. I didn't get your messages until I landed back in Costa Rica."

"Back in Costa Rica? You were already on your way back?"

"My brother can be super annoying sometimes."

"What, did he force you onto the plane?"

Rob smiled. "No. He just made me realize that if I didn't give this a shot, I'd regret it for my whole life. I don't want to regret anything."

"Me either."

"So you love me, huh?" His smile was playful.

Of course he didn't let it go. "I'm not in love with you, Rob."

"In your idea of the definition, surely not. But what about mine?"


"Yes, passion."

I knew he was right. And looking into his eyes, I knew he had the same passion for me as I had for him. "Maybe in that sense, I am a little in love with you."

"Just a little? I kind of remember our passion a little differently." He grabbed his shirt by the nape of its collar and pulled it over his head.

It was hard not to lose my voice at the sight of him. Especially when he started to unhinge his belt. "Does that mean you're in love with me?" My heart was beating fast as I watched him mull it Copyright 2016 - 2024