Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,107

he would be with them. He had a girlfriend, but then at least we'd be an even eight. Besides, I'd rather listen to him going on and on about his sugar momma than be totally excluded.

"He didn't want to be the awkward one here without his girl," Tim said.

Ethan cleared his throat.

"Oh. Not that you're awkward, Daphne, you gorgeous woodland nymph," Tim said.

"Yeah...I'm not sharing a room with you."

He touched the lapel of his dress shirt, as if he was offended. But his smile said otherwise.

"Come on, I'll show you guys to our room." I gestured to the elevator.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Bryce asked as we followed behind Tim and Ethan.

"I'm good."

He scratched the scruff on his chin. "Okay. Well, I'm not sharing my omelet with you, because it won't be what you wanted and you'll just complain about how it should have had less cheese and more vegetables."

"That happened one time, Bryce."

"I know. Which means I know that you're upset. Something to do with the Hunters and Caldwells perchance?"

Why was he so annoyingly perceptive? "Just for the record, not every time a girl is upset is it due to a boy problem."

"So, it's your time of the month?" Tim asked. "I hope you haven't all synced up yet. It should be another day and a half for Kristen. Not that I mind pleasing during her cycle. I just keep track so I know the fluctuations of her moods."

This was going to be a long week. I leaned my head against the elevator wall.

"I'll take it from the pajamas and the attitude that she's definitely on her period," Tim whispered not so quietly. "Ow," he said when Ethan elbowed him in the ribs.

"Okay, yes, I'm upset about a boy. I'm not on my period, weirdo."

"It still kind of seems like you are..." Tim let his voice fade away.

I sighed. "There was this guy here this weekend and he was really funny and sweet and...wonderful. And I pushed him away for...I don't even know why. I just wish I could take it all back and start over. I blew it."

Bryce was smiling.

"Why are you smiling at my agony?"

"I'm not," he said. "Have you tried calling him?"

Tim laughed.

I glared at him. "Yes. He didn't answer."

"Tough luck. Maybe don't pretend you're on your period next time you see him," Tim said.

"Tim, if you don't stop talking about my cycle, I'm going to slap you."

Tim laughed. "I'm just messing with you. I know your cycle doesn't start until next week."

How the hell does he know that? I lightly slapped his arm.

He immediately screamed at the top of his lungs.

Bryce and Ethan started laughing, which caused me to start laughing. It felt so good to not cry. These guys always made me feel better. Just not the same way Rob did. Rob. I was like a high school girl pining on her crush. Why did I insist on torturing myself? It was over. I just had to accept that and move on. Or turn into Kristen and stalk him. Ugh.

"You'll be happy to know that Professor Hunter was here and Kristen didn't sleep with him," I said to Tim. I wanted to distract myself from Rob and keep my good mood going.

But Tim didn't laugh, he just looked confused. "Why didn't she sleep with him? He's on her list."

"You seriously wanted her to sleep with him?"

"If it would have made her happy, yes. She's so beautiful when she's sexually satisfied."

Vomit. Tim was the weirdest person on the planet. "Whatever you say."

Bryce laughed.

I had the advice of three guys if I had the guts to ask them for it. Maybe it was good that they had come today. "Hey, so, I called and left a voicemail on this guy's phone." They didn't need to know that it was three voicemails and that they all made me sound like a lunatic. "Should I call again, or..."

"Hell no," Tim said. "I think you've done enough, don't you? You need to let these things take their natural course. Like all natural. I'm really craving the outdoors today, aren't you? A nice walk through the rainforest?"

"He means you should just give it some time," Bryce said. "Stop it," he mouthed silently to Tim, but I had seen his lips moving.

They were all acting so weird. Maybe they were all like James and were just incredibly horny. The thought kind of grossed me out. I stepped to the side so they could walk out of the elevator first. I Copyright 2016 - 2024