Things Impossible - Susan Fanetti Page 0,71

safe, too. He hadn’t made a dessert, but there were cookies in a pinch.

But then there was the question of starches. His mom was an old-fashioned Italian cook, who believed that a meal without bread was no meal at all. Dinner needed at least two starches—a pasta, potato, or rice and a bread.

He and Lia had been back in the Cove and dating for just more than a month. Before that, he’d been her guard for weeks. He knew pretty well what she would actually put in her mouth and what she wouldn’t. She’d lightened up a tiny bit in the past few weeks, too, enough that he’d stopped worrying she’d pass out again, but not enough yet to soften up her hips or collarbones.

Chicken and green beans, he was confident she’d eat. The tagliatelle and garlic bread his mother had insisted be included in the menu? No fucking way.

His mom stuck a wooden spoon in the boiling pasta pot and checked the noodles. “I’m always nice. But she is a princess, Alex. Don’t try to pretend she’s a commoner just because she’s a sweet girl. She is the daughter of the don. You know how I feel about you working with the Paganos. Now you’re dating his daughter. I was worried for you before. Now I’m scared. What if you get bored of her the way you’ve gotten bored of every girl you’ve dated? What happens when you make Don Pagano’s little girl cry?”

Nothing his mother had said was wrong, but Alex disagreed with it all. Before he could begin to formulate a rebuttal, Lia cleared her throat softly. She’d come into the room without their notice.

Alex and his mother both spun toward her. His mom brought the wooden spoon with her and splashed a few drops of boiling water on his arm, but he hardly noticed. Lia stood just at the entrance of the kitchen from the hall, not even ten feet away. She looked mortified—and badly hurt. God, that look on her pretty face was always going to slice him into pieces. It was especially painful when he was its cause.

She twisted her arms before her, and her shoulders slumped inward, like she was trying to make herself disappear. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I was just … here, and I didn’t know what to do.”


His mom spoke over him. “Don’t worry about us, we’re just babbling. It looks like dinner’s about ready. I’m gonna open that nice wine you brought. I’ll just get the good glasses from the other room.” She set the spoon down and left the room, giving Lia’s arm a squeeze as she passed.

Lia stood there, her eyes on Alex, looking like she’d rather be anywhere than where she was.

“Don’t mind my mom, Lia. She’s just trying to be careful of me. But I’m not scared.”

“If you get bored of me, I won’t sic my father on you. I wouldn’t do that.” Her voice was small and shy.

With a quick glance to make sure he wasn’t leaving his dinner to be ruined, Alex went to her and lifted her hands in his. “I know you wouldn’t. But I’m not scared because I know I’m not gonna get bored of you. Being with you is exciting every second. Even if we’re just sitting together, talking. I’ve never felt this way with anybody else. My heart races at the thought of seeing you.”

That was true. Alex hadn’t lost the feeling that, despite her insecurities and inexperience, Lia Pagano was basically perfect. Not in the annoying ‘Type A, Everything Has to Be Just So, Don’t Touch My Hair’ way, and not without flaws and twitches, but just really perfect for him. A long list in the ‘pro’ column and nothing in the ‘con.’ When he talked, she listened, and understood. When she talked, he wanted to do nothing but listen and understand. They liked the same movies and TV shows. She laughed at his humor, and returned it in kind. She had a good heart, and a good mind. And she was lovely on the outside, too.

There were differences between them, certainly, but in terms of Things Alex Wants in a Woman, Lia checked all the boxes.

Also, goddamn did he love to fuck her. He’d been fucking since he was fifteen and felt pretty accomplished. But there was an inexpressible potency to be her only one ever, to be the one she discovered the wonder of sex with. She was responsive and eager, and Copyright 2016 - 2024