Things Impossible - Susan Fanetti Page 0,49

rest of La Cosa Nostra recognize her rightful place. She, too, was worthy.

Nick was proud to call her his ally, and his friend.

But it was a stab straight to his heard to see Angelo Corti follow her up into the Council Room.

Angie had stood at Nick’s side for most of the years he’d been don. Until he’d fallen in love with Giada—and kept it a secret. Growing close to another don right under Nick’s nose.

Though he had forgiven his friend the betrayal, and deep in his heart he understood the power of true love to shift one’s way of being, Nick wasn’t sure he’d recover from the loss of his trusted confidant—or ever trust like that again.

Angie’s office still sat empty. Nick had no consigliere, and Pagano Brothers Shipping had no Chief Operating Officer, because he couldn’t bring himself to allow another man into his closest circle. Donnie stood alone there now.

That was dangerous, Nick knew, but he had not yet been able to change it. There was no one who could replace Angie.

Tony had taken on Angie’s old role as capo for enforcement and security, and he was good at it. He was loyal and tough, and had a decent head on his shoulders. He was a lot like Angie, in fact. Donnie advised that he should take Angie’s office and position as COO. But he was too young, too hot-natured, too unfamiliar for Nick to trust his counsel.

Trey was young, too. Smarter and cooler than Tony. But only recently made and not yet even a capo. Still, it was Trey Nick wanted to pull up. Trey—his blood, his heir—he could imagine trusting so deeply. But he was too green yet.

Nick meant to remedy that as quickly as possible, which was why Trey was here. Only a soldier, he had no true place at a Council table, but Nick wanted him to see the workings at the top. Trey knew to keep his mouth shut and observe. He understood he was meant to learn.

Nick met Giada and her team—Angie, her husband and consigliere, and Bruno Giocali, her underboss—as they crossed into the room. He greeted her with his hands on her shoulders and a kiss to each cheek. “Donna Sacco,” he said warmly.

He really did like and respect her very much. As long as their bond held and he had no cause to see Angie as his enemy, he could adapt to the loss.

“Don Pagano,” she answered with a squeeze of his arms. “It’s good to see you, as always.”

Donnie and Angie were hugging. Nick waited until they stepped apart and Angie turned to him.

Giada and Angie had held a housewarming party only a couple weeks earlier, at which Nick and Angie had been at ease with each other, good friends enjoying the last good weekend of a lingering summer. When they were only friends, he could feel that and be glad to have kept the friendship. He had been Angie’s best man, and had been honored to be.

But now, in business, facing Angie as a guest, another don’s consigliere, Nick struggled. The loss was too present, too stark—and so was the betrayal. Because Angie had betrayed him. He’d acted intentionally against Nick’s will and direction. He’d lied and kept secrets. When his loyalty was on the line, he’d chosen Giada.

Nick had not forgiven, and could not forget, that.

They were friends, yes. Dear friends, and he was glad it remained true. But the loss and betrayal were real.

“Angie,” he said and held out his hand.

Preternaturally astute—one of the reasons he was such an excellent enforcer—Angie frowned and pulled back from the hug he’d begun. He offered his hand instead. “Don. It’s good to see you.”

“And you.” He released Angie’s hand and turned to Giada’s underboss. “Bruno, welcome.”

Nick could feel several sets of eyes on him—Angie’s, Donnie’s, Giada’s—but he was not wrong to be cool. His friendship with Angie was part of another world. In this one, Angie was only another don’s consigliere.


Fifteen men and one woman sat at Nick’s table and shared an excellent five-course meal with steak tagliata as the main course. After a dessert of panna cotta and amaretto, Billy’s three lovely servers cleared the table and served espresso.

When the servers left the coffee and descended from the room, this war council got down to business.

Nick and his three closest men. Giada and her two closest. Vio Marconi and his underboss and consigliere, Ed Alberici and Jerry Lovatelli. Sal Romano, his son and underboss, Sonny, and his Copyright 2016 - 2024