Things Impossible - Susan Fanetti Page 0,38

between her thighs, felt that lovely soft scruff of barely there stubble, and found her soaking wet before he pushed a finger through her folds.

“Ah, that’s good,” he muttered, and she answered with music.

He brushed a fingertip over her clit, and she jumped and gasped like he’d touched her with a hot wire. Alex shifted his attention back to her face, found her eyes wide and her face flushed.

Was she sore? No, there was no reason she would be. Did she not like her clit played with?

Well, that would be a first, in his experience. All the girls he’d known had wanted attention on the clit first and foremost, even during actual fucking.

“That’s okay?” he asked.

She blinked, then nodded.

Taking her at her non-word, he brushed that bud again, and she reacted just as strongly—but this time, she spread her legs. Okay, now he got it. Extra-sensitive clit. Excellent. He could definitely work with that.

With feather-light touches, he played there, strumming her up higher and higher until her feet were planted on the mattress and she was off the bed all the way to her shoulders, her hips heaving wildly as she rocked with his touch. His whole hand was wet, and all he’d done yet was finger her clit—and that only lightly.

He still held one of her hands, but her fingers clenched his, her nails bearing down, and her other hand gripped her headboard like that was the only thing between her and a tornado ride to Oz. Her face was turned, buried against that arm.

Oh, she was so close, desperately close.

Alex didn’t have to worry about what happened later—he was going to die right here, of exploding cock. Jesus, he’d never been with a girl like this, so into what he did, so trusting that he’d give her something good. He’d thought at first that her lack of touching him was reluctance, but that was wrong. It was trust.

He wanted her hands on him again, but first he wanted this.

He leaned in, pressing her back to the mattress, and took a tit into his mouth. At his first strong suck, she went off. The musical notes of her little moans became a chant, and then a long, continuous song. She bucked beneath him until he had to let her tit go before he accidentally bit her—and then her free hand came flying down and slammed over his. He thought at first she wanted him to stop, but no—she was shoving him against her clit, rocking hard on his hand. Humping his hand. Until she finally froze, and grunting bursts of stunted breath erupted from her lips.

He didn’t keep a ranked list or anything, but Alex was pretty sure that was the hardest he’d ever made a girl come.

When it was over and her body unwound from its orgasmic clench, Lia took a deep breath and focused on him. Her face was flushed with exertion, but the pink deepened suddenly, and Alex knew that darker color for embarrassment.

She worked her hand in his hold free, took her hand from between her legs, and covered her face with them both. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Lee, no.” He caught both her hands in one of his and pulled them away. “Don’t you dare get embarrassed. That was amazing. It was perfect. You are perfect.”

She flinched and squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m not. It wasn’t. I sounded like a wild animal. A wildebeest.”

Her choice of animal nearly made him laugh, but he was smarter than that. “No,” he said. “You sounded like a woman enjoying sex. Don’t you usually come like that?”

Her eyes peeked open, and he caught a weird light in them—more embarrassment, he guessed. “No?” she said, the word rising up into a question.

Now he did laugh a little. “You don’t know?”

“I don’t usually come like that.”

“Well, see, that’s even better. That means I’m a stud.”

That made her smile. “You are.”

“You want more?”

Again, she bit her lip as she nodded.

And thanks to his excellent planning, now he could let the dazzling power of that sight take him completely over. No more holding back required. He grabbed the packet and tore it open.

“You want to help me put it on?” He loved that. It was about the only way to make this part of the process hot.

But she shook her head.

Okay, then. This moment was inferno-level hot already, anyway. When he rolled the condom on, Lia watched him, looking spellbound, which was nearly as hot as a touch.

Once it was on, she spread Copyright 2016 - 2024