Things Impossible - Susan Fanetti Page 0,131


After a few deep breaths, his face twisted into a broad image of shock and disbelief, Alex pulled himself together enough to ask a salient question. “I’m sorry if I sound ungrateful. I’m really not—I’m just trying to get hold of it all. You’re sending me to college?”

“I am. Tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and a monthly stipend for other expenses. For your bachelor’s degree and law school, too.”

The boy’s brain worked so hard there was practically an audible whir. “What do you want of me in exchange?”

This young man grew steadily in Nick’s estimation. That was an honorable man’s question. A thoughtful man. A wise man. A man with courage and integrity. He didn’t simply leap at the opportunity; he wanted to know what it would cost him first.

“Good grades. Focus on school. Be a good man. And when you graduate, we’ll sit down and talk about your future. You’re not made yet, Alex. You’ve done more than enough to be, but I think you’re conflicted about this life. Am I wrong?”

His hesitation was apparent but brief, and Nick understood this was the point Alex had considered raising himself. “No, you’re not. I’m sorry—I admire you, don, very much, but … I don’t know if I can … do … I don’t know if I’m …”

Again, Nick eased his way and filled in the space of the words Alex struggled to voice. “What if you could do something else? You were brought to the enforcers because of your strong heart and solid will. But what if you could work without folding back your sleeves? Not everyone in our family has to wash his hands after a job, Alex. In fact, most do not. Could you work with us that way? Could you be a lawyer for the Pagano Brothers?”

“You’re asking me as if I have a choice.”

“You do have a choice. You’re not made, and I won’t offer you that honor until you’re through school and choose. You have a choice until you choose.”

“What if … if …” Another hard swallow and a deep breath. “If Lia and I don’t work out? I love her, I want to be with her forever, but what if she doesn’t want that?”

“I’ve already told you how I’ll take it if you hurt my girl. But if you are good to her, even if things don’t work out between you, I won’t hold that against you. You’re young, and it’s early to know if what’s real now will last always. My offer isn’t contingent on your relationship with Lia. It’s contingent on your good grades, your focus, your continuing to be worthy, and your coming to me, or to Trey if I’m not don when you’re done with school, and making your choice. If at that meeting you choose another way, you’ll still have met our terms.”

Alex sat with that for a while until he believed it. “My God, don. I don’t know what to say. Grazie. Grazie mille.”

“Prego.” Nick stood, and Alex and Donnie did as well.

As he and Alex shook hands, Alex asked, “Can I ask why you’re doing all this for me?”

“You’re a good boy, Alessandro. You’re a good man. You’re good to my daughter. I told you once that I owed you a debt for saving her. You’ve saved her more than once. I would like to do what I can to save you in return.”


Nick had missed dinner with his family the night before. He hated to miss two nights in a row, especially now, but with the negotiations and plans between the States and Sicily flying hot and heavy, and the time difference, he’d found himself trapped in the office until nearly midnight.

Exhausted and sore—even desk work made him sore these days—he came home to a dark house and sighed at the thought that he’d have to unwind alone. He couldn’t sleep until his brain stopped spinning, which meant some television, an hour or so with a book, several scotches, or some combination thereof. He preferred to sit with Beverly and talk about her day and the kids. That always settled him most quickly, even when talk of the kids meant problems to solve.

As he came into the house, Carina stopped on the middle of the staircase. She was on her way down, dressed in black pajama bottoms about two sizes too big for her small frame. They had rocket ships or something on them. Maybe torpedoes. It would be Carina’s style to wear PJs Copyright 2016 - 2024