Thicker than Blood - Mike Omer Page 0,24

knew where he was. He lived just a short walk away.

But just across the street was a shop he recognized all too well. He’d stopped in front of the display window endless times before, mesmerized.

On the right side was a huge aquarium, full of glimmering fish, the aquarium’s blue light rippling in the water. It illuminated several cages to its left. A pair of white rabbits in one, several hamsters in another, and a very large cage with four Labrador puppies.

He’d entered the store once, thinking of buying two or three puppies, but had lost his nerve when the girl behind the counter had asked if she could help him. No girl behind the counter now. The store was dark, aside from the aquarium’s blue light.

The store stood in the corner of an alley, and it had a small window on the alley’s side. But it was still large enough for a grown man to crawl through.

And it could be broken with a brick, the shattering glass hardly heard over the sound of the traffic.

He had just begun cleaning up his room when Daniel opened the door. Daniel’s eyes widened.

“What the hell happened here?” Daniel asked.

The man in control raised his hands in a reassuring gesture. “It’s just hamsters,” he said.

Daniel’s face twisted in disgust. “Hamsters?” His eyes scanned the bucket of soapy water, the bloodstains on the floor, the messy cleaver and cutting board, the pieces of bone and skin. “What did you do?”

“I just needed some blood, for my condition. It’s no big deal.”

“Where did you get hamsters in the middle of the night? Is there an all-night delivery for hamsters?”

“I broke into a pet shop.” His voice was matter of fact. He had everything under control again. “Their cage was small. It was easy to take.”

“Where?” Daniel’s face suddenly went pale. “Where did you do this?”

“There’s a pet shop not far from here.”

Daniel slammed his palm on the door, and the sound made the man in control flinch. It was the first time he’d ever seen Daniel lose his temper. He was always so nice and cheerful. That was one of the best things about him. Without saying a word, Daniel turned away and left the room.

He decided to give Daniel some space. He focused on cleaning the bloodstains. When he was done, the water in the bucket had dirty pink tufts of fur floating on the surface. He took the cleaver and board to the kitchen and began to wash them in the sink. He felt Daniel step into the room and watch him as he did it.

“Listen,” Daniel said. His voice was soft, gentle. “You can’t do shit like that. The police are looking for us. You can’t break into a damn pet shop near your home, okay?”

“I had to,” he began to say. “I needed—”

“I know what you need. I understand. You don’t act alone, okay? You come to me. We’re in this together—you know that.”

“Sure, but I needed some blood, fast. And they’re just a few hamsters. It’s not a big deal.”

Daniel seemed to mull it over, then lowered his head. “This whole thing with Catherine put too much stress on you. I . . . I’m sorry. You shouldn’t risk yourself on my account. I should turn myself in.”

“No! Absolutely not!” He was aghast. “You can’t do that. I’m fine . . . I’m really fine.”

“You’re obviously not. I can understand what you’re going through. You’re under a lot of pressure with the police investigation. It’s no wonder you’re getting these uncontrollable urges.”

“It won’t happen again, I swear! I’m back in control.”


“It was a one-time thing, and it was stupid. I’ll come to you immediately if I have any urges again.”

For a moment they were both silent. He finished washing the cleaver, his hands trembling, and put it aside to dry.

“We’ll go hunting again,” Daniel said suddenly. “I need to as much as you do.”

“When?” He felt the wave of relief washing over him. No more talk about Daniel turning himself in.

“Soon. I need you to pick up some stuff tomorrow, on your way home.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“White paint and a knife. Maybe some candles.”

“What is it for?” the man in control asked, feeling confused. They’d never discussed it.

“We’ll need it for the next time,” Daniel said. “Can you do that?”

“Yes, but—”

“Good.” Daniel looked at him closely and then seemed to reach a decision. “Get the stuff, and we’ll go hunting tomorrow night.”


Monday, October 17, 2016

O’Donnell decided to avoid the station Copyright 2016 - 2024