Their Forever - Chloe Kent Page 0,57

against her lips, one of his hands sliding up her short gown, scorching her skin where he touched. She clenched, gritting her teeth, willing her body to ice up but it did the opposite. His touch, no matter how small or intimate ruined her.

Without the protection of any panties, Kade's hand slipped easily between her legs, the side of his palm brushing against her lips as his thumb strummed her clit lazily. She screamed at herself to not get wetter, not to feel anything, but she failed epically on both accounts.

She fought but it was with a reduced attempt, her heart beaten down, her mind so confused.


She geared up. She was married and this was wrong, and she didn't care that Liam had given Kade permission to touch her whenever he wanted.

“Don't,” she said hoarsely, trying to squeeze her thighs together but only trapping his hand further as a result. “I don't belong to you,” she cried, as he now dipped his fingers inside her. Her walls closed around him, her body betraying her.

He roared against her jaw, his tongue gliding down to her throat, his teeth piercing her skin along the way. Scissoring his fingers inside her, the sound of her wetness disturbing the innocence of dawn breaking right in front of her.

He took a mouthful of flesh on her neck and sucked and bit and licked. And she gave him all her wetness against her own will.

When he released her hands to gather her up even closer in his arms, she weakly banged her fists against his chest, fighting a losing battle.

The skin on the side of her throat started to throb. She'd be left with a bruise of his mouth for days. She squeezed her eyes shut as her orgasm gained a purposeful direction.

“I-I hate you,” she stuttered. “Don't, please,” she implored, biting her lip until she tasted her own blood. He made his point. That she did feel something for him, but it was the one thing she hated; it would destroy her. She fought until the moment where it was too late. Her body had started to careen into a spiral, a whirlwind of her arousal looking for a place to land. And it was in Kade's hand, on his palm, against his fingers, and she lacked the arsenal to stop him, to stop herself.

For a moment her body stalled, perplexed. She wasn't being touched anymore. She opened her eyes to see Kade had released her, that he was looking at her with a look in his gaze she couldn't label.

Jerkily, she tightened her gown around her, but that didn't stop her pussy from spasming, from her body going into cold shock that her climax was ruthlessly stopped by his hand. Panting heavily, she watched him turn around and leave.

“I don't want to see you ever again,” she whispered harshly.

He turned around to face her. “I'll leave when Liam tells me to leave.”

“Why? Because he called in a favor?” she asked, pushing her luck. She expected Kade to charge at her again. He looked like he was going to, but he hesitated, and she realized he stopped because he couldn't trust himself around her. He unclenched his hands, then pulled the enigmatic veil back over his face.

“Don't talk about things you know nothing about—”

“I know about your father—” She didn't realize what she was doing until it dawned on her. She wanted Kade to lash out at her, to take him down to the hell in which she roamed. She stopped breathing. Nothing would save her now from his wrath. But again, it never happened.

“I'll leave when Liam tells me to leave,” he repeated. “And I'll do whatever the fuck he wants me to do with his wife until then.” He turned for the final time.

She sagged against the wall, dragging her hand through her hair, and pulling until tears pricked her eyes. She couldn't do that to Liam. She couldn't let him think she was incapable of loving him because he saved her. And that she could only be capable of loving Kade because… because he didn't do what Liam thought, forced her to. She didn't even love Kade, so it was such a nonissue, there shouldn't be any discussion about it at all.

She didn't love Kade. She didn't. She couldn't. It wasn't who she was. She was loyal and faithful, and she could only love one man to eternity and back. How could Liam even think that she loved Kade. She didn't.

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