Tending Tara (Alaska Blizzard #7) - Kat Mizera Page 0,73

his tongue again, this time circling her clit and almost instantly bringing her to the verge of orgasm. She tried to squeeze her legs shut to hold on to some semblance of control, but his wide chest and strong hands were holding her wide open. He licked and sucked, getting her right to the brink, and then pulling back. Over and over, he teased her until she was whimpering with need, begging him to let her come.

He pulled away and sat up, pressing one finger inside of her. “Ready, sweetheart?”

“Yes!” She tugged him on top of her and he paused, his cock poised at her entrance without pushing in.

“You want me, Tara?” His mouth hovered above hers, his eyes burning with intensity.

“Y-yes.” There was something unusually compelling about him tonight that went far beyond their earlier conversation about celebrating. They weren’t just having sex; they were connecting in a way they hadn’t before, and it did crazy things to her insides.

“Say it.”

She paused, searching his face, anxious to decipher what was happening in his head. Maybe even in his heart. And suddenly the next words out of her mouth felt especially important. “Make love to me, Donovan.”

He slid in with one hard, smooth motion, closing his eyes as he found her mouth with his. He kissed her with sexy, sweeping swirls of his tongue, his mouth possessive but tender. Each stroke of his cock inside of her was like the first time all over again, as sensual and all-encompassing as any sex she’d ever had. She’d never felt anything like this, a heady combination of physical chemistry and emotional intimacy. He didn’t rush, taking his time to get her all worked up again. Missionary was probably her least favorite position but with Donovan, everything she thought she knew went out the window.

He never stopped kissing her, the whole time he was moving in and out of her, as if he too was experiencing something new. Something important. In her heart, this was what marriage felt like, and it was as terrifying as it was wonderful. They were as connected as two people could possibly be, and when her orgasm raced down her spine and exploded out, he swallowed her cries with his own. Sweat covered them both, but neither of them moved.

“God damn, baby!” He huffed out a breath.

“That was…amazing,” she said when she could formulate words again. Amazing wasn’t the right word, not even close, but she was suddenly struggling to stay in control of her emotions and had no idea why.

“Fuck yeah, it was.”

Whatever was happening here was intense and so much more than sex. What they’d just shared was real, but Tara had no idea how to handle it because it wasn’t supposed to be like this. She had the strangest urge to jump out of bed and run as far away as possible. Not because he’d done anything wrong but because he did everything so damn right. She’d fallen hard and fast for her sweet, hunky husband-of-convenience, with no lifeline other than her own need for self-preservation. Suddenly overwhelmed, she gently pushed at his chest.

“I, er, I have to use the bathroom. Please.”

“Okay.” He rolled over, and she hurried into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her so she could take a few cleansing breaths. What the hell was happening here, and how was she supposed to slow it down? This was supposed to be a fun celebration of her new job, and instead it turned into emotional insanity she wasn’t prepared for. Making love with a man you loved, who hadn’t said anything about loving you back, was the scariest thing she’d ever experienced.

She rested her hands on the edge of the sink, taking a few deep breaths. She hadn’t been planning to get this involved, to start having feelings like this. She’d always prided herself in being strong and independent, but Donovan stirred the kinds of feelings she couldn’t afford to have. Not in this situation.


She was so excited about her new job, but there was a part of her that was nervous, too. What if Donovan didn’t want to be together now that she could work and technically didn’t need him? Well, she needed him, probably more than she wanted to admit, but it had nothing to do with money or a green card now. She fell more in love with him every day, but if he didn’t love her back, staying together would be difficult for her. More than anything else, she

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