Tempting Taffy (House of Devon #8) - Meara Platt Page 0,21

ever to touch her, to taste the sweetness of her lips and feel the silkiness of her skin, he did not know if he would ever have the strength to let her go.

He’d never felt this way about another woman, not even Rafe’s mother who was considered a Scottish jewel.

How could he be feeling such things in the matter of a day?

It had to be a passing fancy, of course.

Yet, he was no green youth. He was a man full grown. A husband and a father. A man of experience in all matters, not merely those of casual lovemaking. He had never lacked for female companionship in his younger years. However, in all those years, in all those casual encounters and throughout his married years when he had been faithful to Vera, he had never felt such a powerful tug to his heart as he now felt with Taffy.

The lass turned to look at Rafe who was quietly playing spillikins by himself at one of the small reading tables in the room, his attention rapt in picking up each stick without moving the others. “I ought to join him,” she said, her gaze now lingering on him.

Och, she was devastating to his senses. “Why? He’s amusing himself. We’re right here, keeping watch over him.”

She cast him a wry smile. “But I believe you are amusing yourself as well, my lord. I would not like it to be at my expense.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Taffy, it is the last thing I would ever do. But I would be lying to us both if I did not admit to finding you remarkable.”

She shook her head. “I am merely diligent at my job.”

He caught her hand when she turned to move away. “You are so much more. But that’s a discussion we shall have once the bastard who is trying to hurt my son is dealt with.”

He seemed to be upsetting her, so he released her and said nothing more. When he turned back to the window, he suddenly felt her hand on his arm. “Move away, my lord. You make too easy a target, even in a blinding snowstorm.”

A new butler had returned with a laden cart and Gavin caught the delightful scent of warm cocoa and ginger cake wafting from it. One of the footmen had earlier lit a fire in the hearth that now crackled and spit as Gavin tossed another log on it.

“Will that be all, my lord?”

He glanced at the man decked out in the dark blue jacket and gold breeches denoting the Duke of Devon’s livery. He folded his arms across his chest and grinned. “Mr. Barrow, I presume?”

“You are most astute,” Taffy said, walking over to the cart to pour a cup of cocoa for Rafe.

“Not really. Ye gave me an excellent description of yer employer. It is good to meet ye, Mr. Barrow. Miss Ralston speaks quite highly of ye. The Duke of Devon must think very highly of ye as well since he’s retained ye to protect me and…” He nodded toward his son who was busy watching Taffy set out his cocoa and ginger cake. “Would ye care to join us?”

“Oh, my lord. That’s quite gracious of you, but no. I shall leave you in the care of my best Bow Street runner while I keep an eye on the house. We have several men positioned throughout Hartland Abbey. Monstrously large house, but you need have no worry. Just don’t wander off on your own.”

He frowned. “He’s very close, isn’t he? Perhaps already in the house.”

Taffy’s head was tipped toward them, no doubt hoping to hear their quiet conversation. Rafe, fortunately, was enjoying his cake and showing Taffy how far he’d gotten in his game of spillikins.

“Not in the house yet, m’lord. But all indications are he plans to make his move very soon. Perhaps tonight or no later than tomorrow night.”

“Bastard,” he said in a harsh whisper. “I’ll tear him apart with my bare hands.”

“With all due respect, my lord. Please allow Miss Ralston to handle the villain. I would kindly ask you to do as she asks and not question her.” He cleared his throat. “She will remain with you and your son tonight. I know this is unusual, and she shall be as unobtrusive as possible. But he is too close now. You and your son cannot be left alone from here on in.”

He knew Taffy had heard this last part, for her cheeks suddenly reddened.

When she glanced his way,

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