Tempting Taffy (House of Devon #8) - Meara Platt Page 0,17

mother’s uncompromising love when her heart belonged to another.

A man who’d died at Waterloo.

Gavin could not compete with MacPherson’s ghost.

Rafe had finally buckled one shoe and was now diligently working on the other, so Gavin knew he would not have much longer to speak frankly with the lass. “Do ye wish to know where I’ve hidden my weapons?”

She released the breath she had been holding. “Yes, an excellent idea.”

“I’ve placed a knife behind the firewood bin.” He pointed it out to her before leading her over to the bed. “A second knife under my pillow. Pistol in the drawer of my night stand. Another pistol tucked in that bowl of fruit on the bureau.”

She grinned and nodded. “Where else?”

“On my person.”

She pursed her lips, nibbling them as she considered what he had shown her. “Any weapons in the sitting area?”

“No. There’s a letter opener and razor to sharpen a quill pen in the desk drawer. I’ll use those if the fight extends into that alcove and I need another weapon.” He regarded her a moment. “Taffy, what are ye thinking, lass? Should I have done something different?”

“No, it is all fine. You are a veritable armory.”

He chuckled.

“But if this laird, Bruce Gordon, wishes to destroy you…”

“Out with it, Taffy. What’s on yer mind.”

“Mr. Barrow wanted me to remain in charge of guarding you and your son. We all agree that his aim is to harm Rafe first, but it isn’t merely that. I think he needs to harm him in front of you because his true purpose is to watch you suffer.”

Gavin’s eyes rounded in horror. “Ye wish me to keep away from the lad?”

“It would give me time to figure out a way for Rafe to escape. If you’re not here, he won’t harm the boy immediately.”

“And what if ye’re wrong?” His mind rebelled at the possibility that he would not be standing beside his son, protecting him with all his heart and breath and being.

Damn the lass.

“I’m not angry with ye for suggesting it, but I canno’ abandon my son. His chances of survival are better if both of us are here to defend him.” He looked down, realized he had not let go of her hand, and released it immediately.

“I understand, my lord.” She tipped her chin up in the air. “I am not angry with you, either.”

Blessed saints.

This is why he liked this girl to distraction. She stood up to him. Constantly challenged him. She was not just another pretty face and heavenly body.

“Papa! I did it!” Rafe was jumping up and down, his smile as bright as a sunbeam.

Indeed, he had. Buckled his shoes all on his own. Gavin knelt and held out his arms. “Well done, lad. Come here and let me hug you.”

The boy flew into his arms.

He wrapped the boy in his embrace and held him tightly. His heart burst with joy for the sweetness of it. Then he laughed as he released him, for Rafe immediately turned to Taffy and said, “Do you want to hug me, too?”

“Of course, I do!” She grinned at Gavin as the boy clung to her. “You did an excellent job and your Papa is quite proud of you. So am I. Shall we have breakfast and then find a game to play?”

Gavin thought perhaps they ought to have remained in the bedchamber and had their meals brought up to them, but Taffy seemed opposed to it. “I dinna understand the reason, lass.”

“I want Rafe to become familiar with the house.” She poked her head out the door and looked up and down the hall before allowing either of them to step out. “Master Rafe,” she said before they had taken one foot out the door, “we are going to play an exploring game and you will be our guide. Which way to the grand staircase? You will win one point every time you guess correctly.”

His boy was excited. “That way!” He giggled and pointed in the right direction.

Taffy cheered. “Yes, excellent! One point for you!”

Gavin merely shook his head and went along.

They walked down one flight of stairs and Taffy stopped. “This is a very big house, so the next question is trickier. To get to the dining room, do we go down another flight of stairs or do we turn down the hall?”

He glanced up and down the hall, mimicking what Taffy had just done. “Down the hall!”

“Excellent. Two points for you! Now, do we turn this way or that?”

He looked in one direction

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