Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,95

Pierce was definitely in the running, but you beat him good.”

He closed his eyes. He was trapped in a nightmare that kept recycling. This would have never happened in a big city like Manhattan or Chicago or LA. Why did he have to settle in a quirky beach city that kept forcing him to be their local celebrity? He wasn’t even rich!

“Is there anything I can say to change your mind?”

“Nope. But if you decide to send me an updated photo with a quote, we don’t go to print till Friday. Thanks, Gabe!” She hung up.

Son of a bitch.

When another buzz came in, every muscle clenched, but he relaxed once he saw it was a text from Bella.

Can I stop by?

Yes, here working. Come save me.

He glanced around, but his place was pristine, as usual. He thought about how messy his living space could get with Bella and Zoe, but it brought a sense of warm anticipation, not worry. He’d begun to realize he enjoyed keeping his stuff organized because there was no one here but him. With people came chaos, but it also brought love. He’d been ready for a long time to experience all those things with Bella.

The tap on the door came a few minutes later. “This is a nice surprise,” he said. “I thought you had a PTO thing.” He went to pull her in for a kiss, but her head ducked and she stepped past him.

“It just finished. I wanted to talk.”

“Good, I’ve had a hell of a day and need the company. Want some wine? Seltzer?”

“No, thanks.”

“Sit down, you look all tense. Did you have a crappy day, too?”

She turned from him and pulled off her jacket. “You could say that.”

“I want to hear about it, but I have to tell you something. I just got a call from Exit Zero magazine. Seems they had one of those ridiculous polls again and named me Beach Bachelor of the year. Can you believe it? I begged Michelle to leave me out of the whole thing, but she refused. Think I can sue?”

She sat down and regarded him from the couch with a strange expression. “Probably not.”

“I probably wouldn’t anyway. But paired with this Bridal Style thing, I’m getting sick of these ridiculous stories like I’m some kind of unicorn here. I tried to throw them Pierce, but she said maybe next year. Then I told her I was involved in a relationship and that should clear me from the list, but basically if I don’t have a ring on my finger, I’m fair game.” He shook his head and flopped down next to her, then continued, “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m sure this isn’t fun for you, either. Add in a crazed, crying bride calling me every ten minutes and a mean-tempered FOB, and I’m ready to go to bed. Preferably with you.” He leaned in with intent. “Do we have time?” he teased. “Or are you due back home?”

She didn’t answer. Just kept looking at him with a polite distance.

A bad feeling crawled through him. It was as if she’d rebuilt the same barriers he’d battled before. The last few weeks of intimacy made him assume they were past such remoteness.

Or had it just been lying in wait?

“Bella, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”

A flicker of sadness gleamed in her blue eyes. “Does a part of you like being written up as the local bachelor?” she asked. “I mean, I know you’re protesting, but it wouldn’t be wrong to admit it feels good to have so many women interested in you.”

The bad feeling ratcheted up to borderline panic. He fought the emotion back and knew he needed to remain calm to get to the heart of the matter. “It wouldn’t be wrong, but it would be a lie,” he said carefully. “I feel like I’m missing something important here.”

“I just think you may want to be able to flirt and date who you want without being imprisoned with a single mom who doesn’t go out much. I know it gets boring.” She twisted her fingers together, the telltale nervous gesture he’d come to cherish. He loved knowing all the tiny details that made up her body and mind and emotions, relishing the unveiling of each secret. Now, though, she was shutting down, and he had to find out why.

“Not for me. But I told you this before, and I thought you understood my intentions. I don’t want any other woman, Bella. I want you, and I want

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