Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,82

last detail, and don’t leave a thing out.”

Unease settled. She shifted in her seat. “No, you don’t get it. We’re not just sleeping together. We’re dating. Formally. I mean, we’re in a relationship.”

Daisy stared at her in confusion. “Oh. You mean you slept with him but then decided to see where it goes?”

She hated the way Daisy asked the question, like she was surprised Gabe would be more than a one-night stand. “He’s not the man you think. I know everyone talks about how he’s with all these different women, but it’s not like that. He hasn’t really dated anyone seriously in a long time.”

“I know, Bella. That’s why he’s a player. He’s well known not to get involved in any relationships.”

She let out a breath. “I’m trying to explain he’s a good man, and he cares about me, and he has no interest in dating or sleeping with anyone else. Okay? We’re happy together.”

Her friend regarded her thoughtfully for a few moments, then nodded. “I get it. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I adore Gabe. It’s just that you haven’t been out in a long time, and I want you to know you don’t have to feel guilty about just having some fun. Sex doesn’t have to mean commitment or ever after. No one will judge you if you slept with him and decide not to pursue a relationship.”

Oh, this was bad. Frustration nipped at her nerves. What was it about Gabe that had every woman so desperate to pigeonhole him? “I hear what you’re saying, but I’m telling you it’s more than sex. There are real feelings between us. He’s good for me, and for Zoe, and we’re moving forward. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t gossip about him, especially to the other moms.”

Daisy gasped. “Of course not! I’m thrilled you’re happy! Hell, if anyone can change a man, you can. I trust you know what you’re doing—you are the least-impulsive person I know. We good?”

“Yeah, we’re good.” Bella smiled, ignoring her doubt that Daisy was as happy as she pretended.

The bartender dropped two fresh drinks on the table. “Ladies, those gentlemen are sending you these drinks.” He motioned behind them. “Enjoy.”

They shared a surprised glance and twisted their heads to look behind. Two men in jeans and casual button-down shirts sat at the bar. One was blond, one was dark haired, and they both looked reasonably attractive. Bella raised her hand in a thank-you, but Daisy immediately waved them over. The guys gathered their drinks and got up.

“What are you doing?” she hissed.

“Oh, come on, let’s have some fun! I can finally get my flirt on. Just be my wing woman.”

Bella sighed. Guess she had no choice. She pasted on a smile as the two men reached them, a little disappointed she wouldn’t just get to hang out with her friend. But this was for Daisy.

It was going to be a long night.

Hours later, Bella got out of the Uber and escorted Daisy to Carter’s door. Her friend was a bit tipsy, but it was nothing that would limit her ability to care for Meg that night. She rang the bell, and he answered.

“Have fun?” he asked. She narrowed her gaze and wondered if she’d knocked on the right door. The man she thought she knew was sporting bright-blue eye shadow and two perfect dots of rouge on each cheek. “What’s the matter? You guys drunk?”

She shared a glance with Daisy, and they burst into giggles. “No, but are you? Why are you wearing makeup?”

“Ah, crap, I forgot.” He rubbed at his face. “They seemed to have smuggled in a cosmetic kit and decided to practice their skills. I’m comfortable enough with my masculinity to allow them to apply makeup on me. Tell that to Avery, okay?”

Her heart melted. She stepped inside and placed a big kiss on his cheek. “I love you, Carter. I’m so lucky you’re part of my family.”

He jerked back in obvious surprise, then relaxed. “Welcome. Come in. The two terrors are asleep.”

When they entered, the scene struck her full force.

Gabe was on the couch, his arm tucked around Zoe. A blanket covered her, and her pink princess hat tilted drunkenly on her head as she slept with her mouth half-open. They were surrounded by dolls and sparkly jewelry. As he lifted his hand to give her a jaunty wave, she noticed his nails were painted hot pink.

Her ovaries melted right then. Watching him cuddle her daughter, secure in a

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