Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,77

she needed a plan.

Sex for her was more than a physical outlet—it always had been. Taylor had tried to get her to loosen her narrowed limits, but sex meant emotional connection. Even a kiss felt wrong unless there was a certain chemistry. That’s why there had only been Matt, her first true love.

But now there was Gabe, too.

The erotic images of their night together flickered past her mind. She hugged them tight, and decided to take a quick shower before he returned. God, she’d kissed him and hadn’t even brushed her teeth! But ever since she’d seen him with Devon, she’d been haunted by the knowledge she’d made a terrible mistake. She’d wanted more time with him after the reception, hoping to talk and be honest about how she’d been feeling lately. Maybe even trying to open up the door one more time.

Until she’d looked into his eyes and realized her heart was already invested. She sensed if she didn’t take a risk, she’d lose him, and the possibility of what they could be together was too much to leave behind.

She scrubbed her skin reluctantly, not even wanting to lose his scent, then dressed quickly in jeans and a long-sleeve pink sweater. Putting her long hair in a casual ponytail, she sat down on the sofa to wait.

They had to talk. Discuss what they wanted from each other and how to proceed. She crossed her legs, uncomfortable in the cold light of morning, but she also didn’t want to lose that thrill of finally connecting with the man who made her happy. Yes, there were obstacles, but she couldn’t imagine returning home and going back to the way things were between them.

He opened the door with two extralarge cups and two platters filled with a variety of food. “It was a buffet, so I got a bit of everything,” he said, putting it down on the table. His gaze raked over her with regret. “You got out of bed.”

“I figured I needed a shower.”

“But you’re wearing clothes.”

She laughed, feeling slightly giddy. “It’s easier for me to eat and talk when I’m not naked.”

“Funny, it’s the opposite for me.”

She tossed him a humorous look and sipped the hot brew. She speared a piece of fresh pineapple, dipped it in some yogurt, and ate with pleasure. They made short work of the breakfast since both of them were starving. Finally full, she crossed her legs comfortably and sat, sipping her coffee.

“How’s Zoe?” he asked.

“Good. She loves sleeping at Avery and Carter’s—they spoil her rotten.”

“As does Taylor. And Pierce. And me. And Daisy. And—”

“Yeah, I get it. Hard not to, since she’s rarely a brat. I’m lucky to have such a sweet kid.”

“Definitely, but I also think being raised with extended family is special. She’s always surrounded by people she loves, so there’s no lack of attention. I love that you and Taylor share a home.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I’m going to miss her. It will be like another hole in the family when she leaves, but not all of us were meant to stay.”

“She’ll always come back, and you’ll get a cool place to travel to on vacation.” His grin was full of sexiness and sunshine. He reached over and snagged her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. The familiar touch of his hand made goose bumps prickle. “Even though I’d love to take you back to bed, I think we should talk.”

Her heart sped up, but she nodded. “Okay.”

They looked at each other for a few seconds in silence. He rubbed his head, half laughing. “I guess I’ll go first. Last night meant a lot to me. I want to be clear how much you mean to me. I don’t want this to be a one-night stand.”

As she looked into his handsome face, she saw the wariness lurking, the fear gleaming in the depths of his dark eyes. It hit her full force that he believed she was going to wave off their night as a fluke, a pleasurable experience that they needed to move on from. Her chest tightened at the idea of hurting him like that, using him to slake an itch, like so many women had labeled him before.

She got up from her chair, this time kneeling in front of him, her gaze locked on his. “I don’t want a one-night stand, either,” she said softly. “I wouldn’t have taken you into my bed for a fling. Last night was special. I just think we need to figure things

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