Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,54

I just want to go out and have a great conversation and connect with you again. Is that wrong?”

No, it wasn’t. In fact, he’d been craving the same thing, desperate to have that with Bella for so long, he didn’t know how to transfer it to another woman. But suddenly, the idea of having dinner with Devon felt like a sign.

Bella was off-limits. He needed to start somewhere and build a life without her in it.

“No, it’s not wrong at all. Maybe it’s exactly what I need, too.” He made his decision. “I’d love to have dinner. How’s Friday night?”


“I finish up on the late side. That okay?”

“I’m flexible.”

They wrapped up and walked back into the main lobby. Maybe a date with Devon would give him a whole new perspective.

He decided to grab a slice of pizza from Louie’s for a late lunch, stopping to chat with a few friends, and headed down Beach Avenue. Lost in his thoughts, the crunch of metal hitting metal seemed to mingle with the fury of the waves hitting the sand and the gray misty afternoon, but when he turned his head, he saw the rear-end accident right in front of him. Thank God it didn’t look too bad.

He took out his phone to call 911 for the police, and that’s when he saw the familiar golden hair whipping in the wind. She stumbled away from the car, holding her head, and a low, keening wail seemed to catch in the air and echo in his ears, making his blood curdle in his veins.


He ran the rest of the way over. Yelling her name, he reached her just before she collapsed.

The moment she woke up, Bella knew it was going to be a bad day.

She completed a long run in the misty rain, which made her hair frizz to new heights and popped out one of her contact lenses because she was blinking too much. She managed to complete her exercise routine with blurry eyesight, then got home to wake Zoe and begin her morning ritual. She burned the bacon and had to make a new batch, lost the sneakers Zoe had to wear for gym, then missed the bus by a few seconds. By the time she’d switched to her calming station on XM filled with quiet waterfalls and chirping birds, her nerves were stretched thin.

It’s just another day, she reminded herself. Thinking about it and dwelling on what-ifs would drive her crazy. She was determined to be calm, serene, and at peace with each hour that unfolded.

She was stronger now, far from that woman who’d splintered apart.

It was time to prove it.

She picked up a coffee at Madison’s Bakery and headed to Vera’s Bridal to meet for an initial consultation with her September bride. Dress shopping was her favorite part of wedding planning. They had the first slot of the day, so she’d have plenty of time to help Stephanie, who was only twenty-two, marrying her first love, and happily pregnant. When Bella arrived, her future bride was with her mother and MOH—maid of honor—chatting with Vera.

They hugged in welcome, and Bella spent some time going over specific possibilities based on her love of old-fashioned lace. They served Stephanie sparkling cider and the others mimosas, then began the try-ons. After three dresses, everyone was still torn and had not found the magic one.

Vera took Bella briefly aside. “She’s focused on lace, but it’s difficult to tailor with a growing belly. I think we need an intervention.”

Bella’s brain clicked through other pictures the bride had seemed to favor. “What about lace as a main accent rather than the whole dress?”

Vera nodded regally. “Yes, I have a new Mori Lee that could work, but it may be over budget.”

Bella grabbed her tablet and brought up a dress she’d found on Pinterest that reminded her of Stephanie’s style. “Do you have this one?”

“Yes, I’ll pull both.”

Vera went back to the racks, and Bella walked over to her bride. “We have two other dresses we think you’ll love,” she said smoothly. “You’ll be six months at the time of the wedding, so we want a fabric that will easily accommodate your new curves.”

“You mean my big belly,” Stephanie said with a laugh, her hand resting on her still-flat abdomen. “That makes sense. I’m open to ideas as long as I get my long-ass train and style I love.”

The MOH shook her head in amusement. “At least it’s not a shotgun wedding. You were technically engaged before

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