Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,35

trying to calm herself down. Talking about her dreams and her daughter threw her off-balance. She needed to get this car ride over with and retreat to her home and figure out why she was suddenly reacting like this.

When she walked out, he was in the convenience store with a bunch of stuff in his hands. “What are you doing?”

He shot her a boyish grin. “Car snacks. We still have a ways ahead, and I think we need some old-fashioned junk food. Pick your poison.”

“Oh, Lord no. This stuff is so bad for you.”

“Exactly the point.”

She stared at him with pure horror.

“Oh, come on, live a little. What’s your secret food crush? I bet I can guess.”

She put her hands on her hips and tossed her head. “Oh yeah? I guarantee you’ll lose.”

“Challenge taken. I get three picks.” Right away, he lifted a bag from the hook. “Combos. Just the right amount of cheese with the salt of a pretzel. I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Nope. As if I’d choose such a common car snack. Try again.”

He paced the aisle, frowning, then pointed at the bottom row. “Pringles Sour Cream and Onion. I know you like to eat them at night after Zoe goes to bed.”

Her mouth fell open. “How do you know that?”

He rocked back on his heels with victory. “Taylor came in with them once, and she blamed you for eating the entire can. You denied it, but I saw you were lying.”

“I can’t believe you remembered that.”

“I win.”

“No, you don’t. I do love them, but not on car rides. They are strictly for watching investigative news shows and getting a rise out of my sister.”

“Damn. Okay, I’m going with the Slim Jim. You strike me as a secret Jim lover.”

The giggle burst from her mouth at his ridiculousness. “Wrong again, Sherlock. Ready to be dazzled?”

“Dazzle away.”

She leaped to the end of the aisle and snatched up the familiar green-and-yellow package with the worst snack in all history. “Funyuns.”

He blinked. “No. Way.”

She beamed. “Told you you’d lose. And to celebrate my win, I’m getting them.”

“Fine, but I want the Combos and Reese’s peanut butter cups.”

“Oh, wait, we need M&M’s—they’re like the appetizer.”

“Good call.” He dumped the pile of junk on the counter. “What about to drink?”

“I’ll get water.”

“I want lime flavored!” he called out.

Bella grabbed the bottles and bounded back to the register.

The guy behind the counter grinned. “Road trip?”

“Yep.” She watched him ring it all up with a touch of pride.

“Some good selections. Surprised you missed the number-one pick, though.”

“What’s that?” Gabe asked.

He jerked his head toward the display by the door. “Hostess Cakes. Sno Balls, to be exact. I got the pink ones in—they never last.”

Bella gasped. Met Gabe’s stare. And nodded.

“Add one package of those to the bill, sir,” Gabe said.

They climbed back in the car like kids, ripping open their stash and settling back into the drive. Oh, she was going to pay for this indulgence, but the moment the sweet, sugary cake coated in marshmallow and coconut hit her tongue, she moaned. “So good.”

“It’s been years since I’ve had one of these,” he muttered. “I should’ve gotten the damn Mountain Dew.”

“Water is healthier,” she pointed out.

“Oh, wait, are you one of those people who order a Big Mac, fries, and a Diet Coke?” he asked suspiciously.

“Well, yeah. There is such a thing as overdoing it. Speaking of which, we have our appointment with Maria tomorrow about the cake and desserts.”

“How’d you match up Big Macs and soda with Maria?” he asked.

“Overindulging. Cake and Dr. Seuss desserts. You with me?”

“Yeah, I’m back. Sugar overload. Hand me the Combos, I need some balance on my palate.”

She poured out a few into his palm. “I may need to leave a little early to get Zoe to dance, but we should know by then if she’s going to take the job.”

“Too bad Carter couldn’t ask. Maria loves him.”

Maria had done Carter’s sister’s wedding cake and had been charmed by his intent to pick a challenging, unique design that would dazzle Ally. She’d ended up creating a masterpiece using a 3D effect with silver-foil roses, impressing Carter. The two had become fast friends, and Carter frequently stopped at Madison’s Bakery during the day to steal a chocolate croissant and talk shop.

“Maria adores you, too. We’ll pull some ideas together that will tempt her to want to take on the challenge.” She opened up the Funyuns and breathed in the sharp tang of onion and garlic. The moment her teeth crunched

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