Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,33

than the brides.”

Satisfaction unfurled. She was used to working by herself, with occasional help from her sisters, but she’d been enjoying both Gabe’s company and the way he approached his wedding planning. They had similar styles, and there was a respect when he listened to her that wasn’t fake. Lord knew she’d met enough males in the industry who liked to mansplain or talk over her ideas.

Gabe was different.

They coordinated the rest of the critical details, and when they left the venue, she was confident in how they’d decorate the space. Glancing at her watch, she looked at the clogged traffic and groaned. “Getting home’s going to be a nightmare. Do you want me to drive back?”

“No, I’m good. Who’s with Zoe?”

“Taylor. They’ll order a pizza, so I won’t have to worry about dinner. You?”

He shot her an amused look. “Me, myself, and I? No plans. I have a bachelorette party Friday night I need to tighten up. They’re a bit of a wild crowd, so I want to be prepared.”

“The Bailey wedding?” She shuddered. “How’d you get stuck with that mess? She’s such a PITA. I thought Avery was in charge of that one.”

“I wanted to give her a night off. I don’t have a fiancée I want to spend time with.” He tugged off his jacket and laid it on the back seat. With slow, graceful motions, he rolled up his crisp white shirtsleeves, exposing muscled, sinewy arms.

Her gaze roved hungrily over the olive-toned skin, wondering what it would feel like under the sweep of her fingers. Wondering what his body would look like unclothed.


He loosened the knot of his sleek silver tie, working it back and forth until he was satisfied he had enough room. Then he climbed in the car, started the ignition, and curled tapered fingers around the steering wheel. His hips shimmied back and forth as he adjusted for comfort before leaning back in the seat.

A shudder ripped through her.

The spicy scent of cloves clung to him. She imagined pressing her lips to his rough cheek, her fingers caressing the chiseled line of his jaw, lingering over the softness of his mouth, turning his head around so he’d be able to kiss her deep and hard and thorough.


Her breath squeezed her lungs, and she hurriedly flipped off the vent to stop the rush of heat. She was already wet between her thighs. Where had that come from? Sure, she’d always recognized he was an attractive, virile male, but she’d never fantasized about him like that before. She needed to get her act together. See what happened from too many years of celibacy? She was definitely using her vibrator tonight to take the edge off.


She frantically grabbed at her purse so she wouldn’t have to look at him. Her skin pricked with heat. “Want some gum?” she asked, her voice breaking on a high note.

“No, thanks. You too hot? I’ll lower the temp.”

She stuffed a piece of bubble gum in her mouth and chewed. This was the reason working with him was problematic. Besides slowly relaxing more around him, they were beginning to form a tentative bond. Now her body chose this time to rebel?

Not. Good.

“Carter told me about the school dance. He’s excited to take Zoe.”

She smacked her gum and reminded herself to focus on his words and not his perfect male body. “So is Zoe. I like that her teacher stressed the dance didn’t necessarily mean dads and moms. She explained families are made up of all roles and sizes.”

“It’s true, most families don’t have a mother and father living in the same household. And who’s to say what love is or should be? Carter is crazy about her.”

“We’re lucky Avery’s marrying him. We’re a bit possessive in our family and don’t like to let too many new people in.”

“Is that why you were wary of me for so long?”

The question stole her breath, and she almost choked on her gum. “I’m careful with new people. We’re a tight-knit family. I needed to be sure you were going to work out.”

“I’m still here. I love Sunshine Bridal, love what I can bring to the business, and think you all are kick-ass businesspeople.”

She warned herself to get off the subject, but she was too tempted. “Yeah, but you’re young. You may not want to settle down forever in a small beach town.”

His brow shot up. “How old do you think I am?”

Her spine stiffened. “Twenty-five?”

“I’m twenty-seven.”

Okay, so she’d been two years off, but having

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