Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,17

high-maintenance client like Adele before. That was Avery’s territory.

“Of course we can do this,” Gabe said calmly. “Don’t you think this is our moment?”

Bella’s breath deflated from her lungs. Gabe’s confidence practically shimmered from his aura, in complete contradiction to the unease flooding her body. “What about Zoe?” she asked.

“We’d all have to help out,” Avery said. “Carter will love being able to spend more time with her.”

Gabe nodded. “It’s temporary, but we can pull it off if we all work together. Like a family.”


She took a step back, suddenly overwhelmed. Gabe was slowly integrating himself into their day-to-day world, but slinging the word family around felt dangerous. He was a full-time employee—not a partner. Maybe he wanted to take on this wedding in order to boost his résumé? It’d be the perfect wedding to gain him more exposure, especially if it took place in New York City. Not to mention the fact that they’d be stuck together for endless hours, working side by side. There was a certain amount of intimacy that would be forced upon them, especially with the time constraint. Did she really want to take this on, knowing how much time they’d spend together?

Most troubling of all, she’d be dependent on others for her daughter’s care. She’d always been careful not to take on too much at work so she could balance being a single mother with the responsibilities of a family business. But this was too much. Cramming in months of preparation in a few weeks. Holding a wedding beyond the safe confines of Cape May, with vendors and people she didn’t know. It was a recipe for failure.

Hadn’t she had enough of that in her life without reaching for more?

“I’m sorry, guys. I’m not comfortable with this. I’m going to have to say no.”

Silence fell. She waited for recriminations and resentment, but when Gabe captured her gaze, she only saw a gentle urging and confidence. “I know it’s a lot to take on,” he said. “But you can do this, Bella. We can make this wedding special, and I think you’re the perfect person for it.”

“I agree,” Avery said mildly. She glanced back and forth between them. “Gabe, do you mind if I speak to my sister alone?”

“Sure. Just call me when you’re ready.” He walked out of the conference room with his usual graceful, long-legged stride.

Bella crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m not changing my mind.”

“Duly noted.” Her sister studied her face with bold curiosity. “How did it really go with you two and the Royal wedding? Did something bad happen?”

The memory of Gabe’s piercing dark eyes and demanding question slammed through her. Do you really want to know what I want?

A shiver shot down her spine. She cleared her throat. “No, it was fine. He’s a hard worker.”

“Yes, he is. I recently realized you rarely work together. In fact, I began realizing how capably you manage to avoid Gabe. And then I got to asking myself why.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“Everyone loves him, except you. Many times, I’ve noticed you seem to deliberately ignore him. I was hoping working on the Royal wedding together would help you bond, but if you’re uncomfortable, we can work out a different arrangement for Adele’s wedding.”

Bella half turned around to gather her thoughts. She’d never voiced her real opinion to her sisters. When Avery brought up a possible promotion for Gabe, she’d been a bit reluctant since she was afraid everyone would become dependent on him, especially if he decided to leave. But his work deserved recognition, so she’d immediately backed down.

“I’m fine working with Gabe,” she finally said. “I have no problem with him personally, and I think he’s an amazing wedding planner. But I’m concerned he’s not cut out for small-town beach living. Not for long.”

Avery tapped her lip, seemingly analyzing her words. “So you think he’s going to leave? Steal our clients?”

“I honestly don’t know. I worry that he’s going to leave eventually for a bigger opportunity, and I don’t want everyone shocked when the fallout happens. Plus, do you see how the entire female population follows him like the Pied Piper? He picked up a woman at the Royal wedding like it was nothing—and he didn’t even seem excited about it! He’s too used to getting his own way, all the time. That can be dangerous.”

She waited for the hot denials from her sister. They’d formed a tight team working together, and Gabe had become a close friend along

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