Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,113


Taylor Sunshine and Pierce Powers were lying in her twin bed in the dorm room. The fraternity party had been the usual—loud jocks, giggly girls, and too much alcohol. She’d lost at beer pong—God, that game sucked—and been pretty tipsy when she left. Of course Pierce had spotted her and insisted on walking her back. He’d gotten her to the bed and turned to leave, and her hug/lunge ended up bringing him down on the mattress next to her. After a good laugh, she’d looped her arms around his neck to pull herself up, and he’d leaned closer, and they’d . . .


She’d waited for fireworks and the shattering knowledge that he was the one. Her sister Bella had met the love of her life in junior high and said she’d always known they’d get married. But with Pierce? Other than the softness of his lips and his familiar scent that always comforted rather than aroused, Taylor felt a pleasant hum and then . . . nothing.

He groaned into the red plaid pillow. “This isn’t happening. You are not telling me my kissing was weird.”

“That’s not what I was saying! I said the kiss was weird, not your specific kissing style. Did it feel a bit like incest to you, too?”

He let out a noise into the pillowcase and rolled over. “I’m outta here.”

“No, I’m sorry.” She caught his hand and pulled gently back. “Pierce, stay. The room’s still spinny, and I’m afraid I’ll get sick.”

She refused to feel guilt at his concerned expression. She only reacted on her need to have him close tonight, the boy she’d grown up with and the man who knew her best.

He sat back down with a frown. “Do you need water?”

“Not yet. Look, I attacked you, and it wasn’t fair. We swore we wouldn’t do that again.”

His face tightened with irritation. “We were fifteen, Taylz. It was a miracle we didn’t end up playing doctor earlier.”

His use of her nickname softened the rough edges of his statement. “That’s the point. We both felt nothing back then and promised we wouldn’t muck up our relationship with crap like feelings and sex. I’m really sorry. Maybe it’s the new cologne you’re wearing. I was channeling Beckham.”

He laughed, and she relaxed. Thank God she hadn’t hurt him. They’d met freshman year in high school when they’d been assigned to be lab partners. He was an A student; she was a C. He’d ended up tutoring her all semester, scared shitless she’d tank his grade, and a friendship immediately bloomed. Other than that one experimental kiss, they’d been best friends who’d had each other’s backs, all the way past graduation. She’d gotten accepted into Monmouth, and he attended Montclair a short while away. They’d been able to hang out on a regular basis and keep the same closeness from high school.

“You should be studying poetry, not performance art,” he said with a roll of his pale-green eyes. “I swear, you’re nothing like the other girls I know. And I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”

She fluffed up the pillows, leaned back, and motioned him over. “Come sit next to me, and you can insult me all you want. I deserve it for sticking my tongue in your mouth.”

“We didn’t get that far,” he muttered, still obviously annoyed at the whole scene. But he took his place next to her, his arms crossed in front of his chest to make his point.

A relieved sigh ballooned into her lungs and went softly out. Warmth flowed in her veins from the alcohol, and the darkness masked the shabbiness of her tiny, cluttered room. She leaned her head against his broad shoulder, beefed up from lifting weights and boxing, and breathed in the scent of cotton, male sweat, and tequila.

His jean-clad legs were crossed at the ankles. She’d seen a ton of girls checking him out at the party, and she knew he never lacked for a date or anything else he wanted. Pierce was a good-looking guy. She also knew he was good in bed since many of his partners talked—and talked loudly—confiding all the details she didn’t want to hear.

Still, she always knew she got the very best of Pierce Powers that no one else could ever claim.

Loyalty. Friendship. Trust.

“You forgive me?” she asked softly, nudging his shoulder. “I’m a bit drunk, and Will just broke up with me. I think I was feeling sad and kissed you on impulse.”

His snort nailed her. “You broke up with Will, and we

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