To Tempt a Rake - By Cara Elliott Page 0,115

Something about the lean, lithe Wolfhound had her feeling both hot and cold.

Stiles tried to take her arm, but she slipped out of reach.

“I really must insist—” began the captain.

“Out, Stiles,” ordered the Wolfhound as he moved a step closer to her.

Alexa stood firm in the face of his approach. Oh, yes, beneath the finely tailored evening clothes was a dangerous predator, all sleek muscle and coiled power. And ready to pounce. But she was not afraid.

“You may do as he says, Captain. I am quite capable of fending for myself.”

Stiles hesitated, and then reluctantly turned for the hallway. “Very well. But I will be right outside, in case you need me,” he muttered. “You have five minutes. Then, come hell or high water, we are leaving.”

“Do you always ignore sensible advice, Lady Alexa?” asked the Wolfhound, once the door latch had clicked shut.

“I often ignore what men consider to be sensible advice.” The gray-flecked hair was deceiving, she decided. Up close, it was plain that the Wolfhound was a man not much above thirty. “There is a difference between the two, though someone as arrogant as you would undoubtedly fail to recognize it.”

“I may be arrogant but I’m not a naïve little fool,” he retorted with a menacing snarl. “At the risk of further offending your maidenly sensibilities, allow me to point out that when trying to strike a bargain with someone, it is not overly wise to begin by hurling insults at his head.”

Alexa felt a flush of heat creep across her cheekbones. “Actually, I am well aware of that. Just as I am well aware that any attempt at negotiations with you is probably a waste of breath. It is quite clear you have a low opinion of females and aren’t going to consider my request seriously.”

Beneath his obvious irritation, Alexa detected a glimmer of curiosity. “Then why did you agree to see me alone?” he asked.

“To show you that not everyone turns tail and runs whenever you flash your fangs.” She squared her shoulders. “By the by, why is everyone so afraid of your bark?”

“Because I am accorded to be a vicious, unpredictable beast,” he replied. “You see, I tend to bite when I get annoyed. And my teeth are sharper than most.”

Lamplight played over the erotic etching, its flickering gleam mirroring the devilish spark in his quicksilver eyes. It seemed to tease her. Taunt her.

Alexa wasn’t about to back away from the challenge. “Do you chew up the unfortunate young women who work here, then spit them out when they are no longer of any use to you?”

For an instant, it appeared she had gone a step too far in baiting him. His jaw tightened and as the Wolfhound leaned forward, anger bristled from every pore of his long, lean face.

But just as quickly, he seemed to get a leash on his emotion and replied with a cynical sneer. “You know nothing of real life, so do not presume to think you understand what goes on under my roof,” he snapped.

“Perhaps you would care to explain it to me.”

The Wolfhound gave a harsh laugh. “Nosy little kitten, aren’t you? Seb ought to lock you in your room, before you stray into real trouble.”

Alexa fisted her hands and set them on her hips. “Ha! Let him try.”

“You have spirit. I’ll grant you that.” He paused for a moment. “Still interested in making a deal?” “What is your price?”

“A kiss.”

Her face must have betrayed her surprise, for he flashed a rakish smile. “Haven’t you ever been kissed before?”

She sucked in a sharp breath. “O-of course I have.”

“Oh, I think not,” drawled the Wolfhound. “I’d be willing to wager a fortune that no man has ever slid his tongue deep into your mouth and made you moan with pleasure.”

“Why, you impudent whelp—”

Her words were cut off by the ruthless press of his mouth. He tasted of smoke and spirits—and a raw, randy need that singed her to her very core. She swayed and suddenly the Wolfhound swept her into his arms. With several swift strides, he crossed the carpet and pinned her up against the wall, setting off a wicked whisper of crushed silk and flame-kissed flesh.

Alexa meant to cry out, but as he urged her lips apart and delved inside her, outrage gave way to a strange, shivering heat. Her protest melted, turning to naught but a whispered sigh. As did her body. Against all reason, it yielded to his touch, molding to every contour of his Copyright 2016 - 2024