Tempest (The Chronicles of Winterset #2) - K.G. Reuss Page 0,68

if I were being truthful, but now wasn’t the time for it. I had to be what I was meant to be. And it was just another small step, like my mother had said.

Besides, tears weren’t for the battlefield.

Chapter 37

Soran and Kellin were engaged in a deep conversation with a large group of men when Rowan and I approached. Tarek stopped listening, his eyes opening wide when he saw me. Kellin noticed his reaction and stopped talking to turn and look at me. Soran followed suit.

“Ana?” Kellin choked out, surprised.

All the men were in their armor, swords at their sides, gaping openmouthed at me.

“I’m ready,” I said, my voice shaking.

Soran had done a doubletake before coming to me and blocking me from the eyes of the men behind him.

“I really would rather you stayed here,” he murmured urgently. “I know you want to be part of this, Analia, but if anything were to happen to you—”

“Soran,” I sighed. “Wouldn’t you rather if something happened to me that you’d be able to be there to help save me rather than days away from me?”

“I just have a bad feeling about this,” he said quickly, his eyes sweeping over my face. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“It’ll be OK,” I said, trying to believe it. Truth was, I was terrified. I had no idea what I’d be walking in on. I had the same feelings as Soran—something felt off. It gave me even more reason to want to go with them.

“She’ll never leave my sight,” Kellin broke in, wrapping his arm around my waist and planting a gentle kiss on my head. “I’ll die before something happens to her.”

“You better pray you do, because if something does happen to her, I’ll have your head,” Soran growled, giving Kellin a stern look.

I glanced over and saw Tarek staring raptly at us, his eyes narrowed.

“Father,” Soran said suddenly, bowing his head.

Kellin dropped his arm from my waist and bowed as my father approached, draped in his silk robes. All the men took a knee, while I stood awkwardly wondering what I should do.

“I heard my beautiful daughter would be accompanying you on your journey to Marriot,” my father’s deep voice rang out. “It is all of your responsibilities to ensure that your princess is safe. You will fall to your knees for her, bow for her, die for her.”

“Father—” I stepped forward, but Soran stopped me and shook his head.

“The same holds true for your prince. Make your king proud and take out the Dark Army. No more lives need to be lost. It must end. See to it that the end begins tonight.”

The three hundred men rose to their feet, shouting their allegiance, and I swallowed thickly. Men who didn’t know me were willing to die for me. It made me sick to my stomach. It was terrible to be back to this harsh reality. I’d spent so much time wrapped up in Kellin’s arms that I’d almost forgotten the point in all of this—almost. Here it was, though, reminding me.

“Analia,” my father said, turning to me, his blue eyes bright.

I stepped toward him nervously. We hadn’t had many encounters despite living under the same roof, and I wasn’t as comfortable around him as I was my mother.

“Listen to your brother, Tarek, and Prince Niall. They’re seasoned warriors and won’t steer you wrong. But most importantly, listen to this.” He tapped me lightly over my heart. “It’s your guide. It won’t lead you were you do not belong.”

He dug into his robes and pulled out a thin, silver dagger with emeralds embedded in the handle. A beautiful intricate, tribal design hugged the jewels.

“Here, keep this on you at all times. Having your abilities and a sword are one thing, something smaller and easily hidden is another. Don’t hesitate to use it if you must.” He made a quick upward motion with his arm, and I gasped. “You plunge it into your enemy here.” He touched my heart with it. “Here.” He touched the center of my stomach. “Or here.” He touched my neck with it. “Lots of elbow behind. Be quick. Do not falter. Do not cry.” He handed the dagger over to me and stared at me fondly. “We haven’t had much chance to get to know one another. That’s more my fault than yours. I fear getting to know you and then losing you again. Come back to your mother and me, and I promise to make it up to you.”

He kissed me

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