Tempest (The Chronicles of Winterset #2) - K.G. Reuss Page 0,47

you seen?”

“N-nothing. I don’t know,” I stammered, trying to recall any details on the red moon I’d seen in my visions.


Lots of fire.

Me on fire.

I swallowed hard.

“Ana,” Kellin breathed, reaching for me. “Tell me. Please.”

“Fire,” I whispered. “Lots of fire. Me.”

“You?” He paled, his sapphire eyes alit with fear. “You were on fire?”

“I am the fire,” I said softly, awareness hitting me hard, making the room spin. “The Wind. Earth. Water. Void. Incaendium.”

Kellin caught me before I hit the ground, his strong arms wrapping tightly around me as I struggled to keep it together.

I was the flame.

Chapter 26

We were together, the moon still streaming into the room, Kellin’s arms still wrapped around me tightly, only now we were lying on my bed. I gazed at him as he slept, his dark lashes fanned across his cheeks, his breathing deep and even. He’d dozed off almost as soon as we’d laid down. He was gorgeous and so peaceful as he lay there. My heart ached for him—for what I wished I could give him but knew that I couldn’t. Not yet.

“Hey,” he murmured, his eyelids fluttering.

“Hey,” I replied, embarrassed at being caught watching him. “Sorry if I woke you.”

“No, don’t be,” he replied softly, gazing at me, his eyes wavering in the moonlight. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m OK,” I lied, my heart racing in my chest. How could I tell him that I felt like my world was crumbling down on me, that I wanted to give him everything, but I still loved my dead boyfriend? It was sick. I was sick. Gregor was right—a broken heart was a sickness. One that was killing me and infecting everyone around me.

“Don’t lie to me, Ana,” Kellin said, sitting up on his elbow and staring down at me. “Please, don’t ever lie to me.”

“I’m scared,” I admitted. “I’m scared I’m going to doom Winterset, not save it. I’m scared of the visions and what they mean. I saw what I become. Incaendium. I’m whatever that is.” I gestured between us. “I’m scare of-of this.”

“First things first. You are not going to doom Winterset. You aren’t fighting this battle alone, Ana. We’re all here with and for you,” Kellin said firmly. “And even if Calix somehow comes back from the Void, if he somehow gets you, I believe in my heart that you have far too much light to let the darkness take over. I believe in you, and I believe we’re in charge of our destinies. You have the choice, Ana. You’ll always have the choice in what you become. I trust you. I trust in you. As far as this—” He gestured between us like I had. “—don’t worry about it. It’s probably the one thing you don’t need to worry about. We’ll go slow. I told you, I understand. I know you’re hurting. I won’t push you, Ana.”

“You’re too good to me, Kellin,” I said wistfully. “After everything—”

“Shush.” He shook his head. “None of that.”

I stopped talking and peered up at him, wondering what he was thinking.

“If we’re being honest,” he started, fingering a loose string on my chamber robes. “I wasn’t that great to you. I haven’t been.”


“No, Ana. You need to hear this. I don’t want there to be lies or secrets between us. I hate that there are. I’m going to marry you,” he said evenly, sure of his words.

I swallowed thickly, not wanting to tell him it wasn’t going to happen, because I might not ever be over Calix, no matter how much time had passed. Or I may find altera and nothing between me and Kellin would matter after that, especially if it meant saving Winterset, if it meant saving him and my family.

“That night in the woods… when we kissed? It was the best moment of my life. I was afraid, though. Afraid that you wouldn’t want me when I told you the truth about us. God, I was an idiot. If I’d just been honest with you then perhaps you’d love me. You’d be mine because you wanted to, not because you’re being forced into it. I was forced in the beginning. I was afraid. It wasn’t easy tearing myself a-away from what I had before. I spent years rebelling against the truth. Hell, I was even with Courtney. It wasn’t right, and I messed up big time. Then I realized all the little things about you I loved. It took seeing the parts to make me realize I love all of you. I

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