Tell Me a Truth - CoraLee June Page 0,116

bandanna tied over his mouth, and my heart sank the moment I saw him. When our eyes connected, Dad growled and started thrashing. I wanted to rush over and help him out of his restraints, but Boss’s hold on my hair kept me in place. Despite being tied up, Dad still managed to fight though.

Boss finally let go of me as he laughed at my father’s feeble attempts to break free. I stood up as my father jerked his arms and legs back and forth. He screamed as loud as he could, though the sounds were muffled from the gag in his mouth. One of the men holding him punched him in the ribs, and the distinct crunching sound made me want to vomit. “Don’t hurt him!” I cried out.

Decker, who had been silently watching throughout the entire exchange, finally spoke up. “We gave you your money, now just give us Frank, and we’ll be on our way.”

Boss started to stroke his chin with his bony fingers as if contemplating what he wanted to do next. All of his men were hanging on his every move, waiting for the order and effectively feeding his ego. How desensitized were they to violence? How conditioned were they to follow Boss’s orders?

“I suppose you’re right. The debt has been paid. And this sorry sack of shit...” He paused to wind up and punch my father in the gut as I whimpered. Dad’s entire body went limp. “Isn’t worth my time,” Boss finished.

“Please let us go,” I begged.

“Release him,” Boss finally conceded.

The men holding onto Dad reluctantly started to untie him, making sure to leave his gag on. I knew Dad was in bad shape when he remained slumped over on the ground even after his hands were freed. I looked at Boss, wondering if this was a trap. He seemed like the sort of man to give false hope only to yank it back once you settled into the idea that he wasn’t going to hurt you.

“I don’t have all day,” he growled while gesturing toward my father.

Not needing to be told twice, I rushed over to Dad and tried to help pick him up. Decker went with me, and together we hoisted him off the ground and rested his arms on our shoulders. Not a single person moved to help us, and it didn’t seem like they were too concerned about a bloodied man traveling through the hotel. Whatever sort of organization they were a part of, they were confident in their power.

Decker and I dragged Dad toward the elevator, and the moment my index finger moved to press the button leading down, Boss started to laugh. It was a menacing sort of sound that made me freeze up. Even though I struggled under the weight of my father, I glanced over my shoulder to see what was so funny but cringed when I realized what he was laughing at. Boss was standing at his living room window, looking down below. “I thought I told you not to call the police,” he said while spinning around. At his words, his men unholstered their guns and aimed them at us. I could feel the threat of death at my back.

I quickly pressed the elevator call button, even though I knew it was hopeless. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stuttered before glancing at the blinking light above the door. Come on, I thought.

“Then why did five cop cars just pull up to my hotel? I thought you were some kind of genius, bitch. Now you’re just taking advantage of my kindness.” Boss seemed calm even though the men around us were bursting with toxic energy. I looked up at the elevator light once more, praying for it to open.

All the while, Boss just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest as he stared out the window. It was chilling that he didn’t even seem concerned. I wouldn’t put it past someone like him to have the law in his pocket. Everything happened too quickly. “Back off,” Decker growled when a man with a rifle stalked closer. A meaty hand wrapped around my bicep, tugging me out from under Dad just as a stream of bullets rained down on the room.

I covered my ears at the loud boom, and Dad dropped to the floor. I could hear sirens in the distance through the peppering shots. I screamed.

“Blakely!” Decker bellowed while trying to get to me.

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