Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,87

came up with images and videos that Jake had passed along. The experiments were unspeakably brutal. Money was tight and they were cutting corners reusing needles and dull scalpels. I had to close my eyes and look away. It was too much.

Silas was sitting next to me with his hands fisted as he shook in anger. I’d never seen him quite like that before, but I couldn’t blame him.

The second the meeting was adjourned we all jumped up to leave. No one wanted to stick around and talk about it. We’d seen and heard too much already.

Taylor went straight to the bathroom and I could hear her vomiting. Grant followed her to assist anyway he could.

“I’m going to blow something up. Who’s with me?” Baine asked.

“I am,” Silas surprised us all by saying.

“I’m going up to Ben’s to hug Emma. Hearing how bad it was and seeing it first hand are two very different things,” Painter said. There was fur sprouting on his hands. No one could fault him. His mate had lived that life and while she didn’t talk about it much, she was likely experimented on just like the humans and animals we’d witnessed in the videos and photographs.

“I’m coming with you. I need to spend time with my babies,” Ben told him. His triplets were born into that world. Their birth mother had died giving birth to them in a facility much like the one in Colorado. Ben had delivered the pups then took them home to raise them as his own after he was unable to save their bio mom.

Now Sonnet was in there. She could have even been one of the people in those pictures. I had no idea what she looked like. Susan, Sapphire, and Sage all looked so strikingly different that I had no idea what Sonnet would look like, but I knew she was there.

I just prayed we weren’t too late, that the damage wasn’t too severe to overcome. I had to get her out.

“We leave in twenty-four hours,” Silas said. “Go home and spend time with your loved ones in the meantime.”

I didn’t need a second invitation. I couldn’t get back to my mate fast enough.


Spending time with Susan had been wonderful, but today was back to business. There was a sense of urgency in the air, and I knew the others just wanted this mission over with as much as I did. It wasn’t just about Sonnet anymore.

When we had rescued the bear Clan Alpha, or former Alpha, it had been a simple extraction. In and out, nothing fancy, no issues. Had we known then what we knew now, Baine would have leveled the place before leaving it there for more shifters to needlessly suffer.

I felt sick to my stomach knowing Susan’s sister had been among them the entire time.

We started our day early and by late morning we were already wheels down in Colorado at the airstrip just outside Clan territory.

Baine had brought Olivia and Macie along with us to visit with her family and provide a distraction to the Clan. Her brother, Kano, was the current Alpha as their father hadn’t recovered fast enough to resume his position before the transfer of power had solidified. They were working together to secure their territory after the events that had taken place. The days of complacency were long gone now as their eyes had been opened to the horrors of the world outside the Clan.

“Uncle Killian!” Macie screeched as she ran and launched herself into the big bear’s arms. He easily plucked her from the air and snuggled her close to him.

“Missed you, kiddo.”

“Missed you more.”

Kano stepped up to greet Silas like old friends.

Our first time previously with the Clan, had certainly been interesting. We were in constant fear that Baine was going to start a war with the bears that we’d be left to fight, but in the end, everything had worked out okay.

“Tarron, it’s good to see you,” the Alpha said as he gripped my arm like a strong vise. Sometimes I didn’t think the bears understood just how strong they were.

“Kano, always a pleasure. Thanks for letting us set up camp here.”

“Nonsense. You’ll stay at the Inn just as before.”

“We discussed this, my friend,” Silas said. “We have two additional units coming in for this mission. We’ll setup camp out here in the woods so as not to draw too much attention and gossip to your people.”

Kano laughed, a full belly laugh. “Do you really think they Copyright 2016 - 2024