Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,85

at night in her fox form, but I couldn’t find it in me to be upset about it.

It had been a magical moment and later back in our skin had been even better. She’d told me she had applied for a remote program to finish off her college degree. I was so proud of her, and this time I made sure to tell her too.

After our little misunderstanding, I knew I needed to be better about using words and not just assume she understood everything I was thinking or feeling.

Waking up with her in my arms was the greatest thing ever. I kissed her not even caring if I woke her up. Since we got back to San Marco the missions had been small but constant. I knew we only had one day today before I would be heading back to Colorado.

The plans were set and as much as I wanted to bring her with me, I wasn’t sure that was going to be possible, or the best plan either. I didn’t want her to know we were going in to extract her sister. I didn’t want her to even know if we would find Sonnet, because if anything went wrong, it would devastate my mate, and I wasn’t sure I could bear that.

I had promised to protect Susan no matter what and that included protecting her from potential heartbreak.

I said a quick prayer that I was just worrying needlessly. In this line of work, you just never knew for sure.

She groaned. “You’re up early. Too early,” she added after looking at the clock.

“I have to go in for just a couple things this morning then I am yours for the rest of the day.”

“Because you’re leaving tomorrow?” she pouted.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so. I’m hoping things calm down a little bit after this mission though.”

“Is it a big one?”


“Will you be in danger?”

“Probably not, but my team will and it’s my job to get them in and out safely.”

“I understand, but I’m glad you’ll be safe. Or at least safer.”

I gave her a quick kiss. “See you in a little bit.”

I grabbed a granola bar and headed out before I talked myself into crawling back into bed.

When the elevator dinged and the doors open, I was greeted by the half pints. Macie and Zander had been terrorizing the base and I was more than happy to help.

They looked like two normal guests until the elevator doors closed.

“Perfect timing,” Macie enthused.

“Okay, we have a new mission. It’s an in and out, super simple,” Zander explained. “You just need to get us in the door and give us five minutes.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“Do I even want to ask what it is this time?”

So far, they had added hair dye to Silas’s shampoo in his locker room. He’s walked around with purple hair for two days before Baine’s mate, Olivia took pity on him and dyed it back to a normal color.

Then there was the time they replaced the bar powder in the gym with baby powder and everyone smelled like a freshly bathed newborns for days.

They had also upped their game and superglued Archie’s hand to a stapler. I thought that mole was going to pop a blood vessel in his temple he was so mad.

Everyone suspected the duo of destruction were behind the pranks, but no one could prove it. As far as I knew, I was their only inside accomplice.

“Nothing destructive this time, right?” We all knew I was referring to the cherry bombs set off in the men’s room. That was the point when Baine became suspicious, and maybe a little too proud of the rumors that Macie was the mastermind behind it all.

If they asked me, I would have warned them not to underestimate Zander. That boy was smart as a whip with a smile that could get him out of absolutely anything. He was going to be a great Alpha someday.

“Nothing destructive. Promise,” Zander said.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” Macie insisted.

“Okay then. You know the drill. I’ll open the door, you follow at my feet. Stay low while I distract the guard. You’ll have five minutes and then it’s time to make a hasty exit. You two shrimps are going to get me busted one of these days.”

They both giggled. I looked at it like training for the future of the Force. They were, after all, the next generation for this place.

“Ready?” I asked as the elevator doors opened.

“Ready,” they said in unison.

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