Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,57

lip. Sapphire wasn’t going to like what I’d done. “I called the fox council in to review her. I told them about her gambling struggles, how she was losing the house, and that she hit me. I also explained that I would be leaving the area and feared for my sisters, especially Sage.”

Sapphire sat there, her mouth open in surprise and then she laughed. “You didn’t?”

“I did. It’s not funny. I really am worried about Sage and you. Though we all know she would never take her frustrations out on you, but Sage is still young and let’s face it, she has a smart mouth. No matter how much Mom loves her and baby’s her, if I’m not here and she’s in a mood, who do you think she’ll take it out on? I couldn’t risk that.”

“You’re right,” she shocked me by saying. “I just can’t believe you actually did it. You’ve always done her bidding, Susan. You have never said no to her.”

I looked at her like she was crazy. “What are you talking about?”

“Mom owns you, Susan, or at least until now. You have always done whatever she asked. She makes you slave away at that café when you should have been back in college and off exploring the world. You gave up everything to take care of us here. Sage and I won’t begrudge you leaving. Believe it or not, we love you, Susan. We only want to see you happy.”

Tears pricked my eyes. “Thanks. But you have it all wrong. Mom never owned me. But why do you think she hates me so much?”

“You’re too sweet to even see it, Susan. It’s her café, yet you’re the only one that works it. Day and night you’re there running everything, but at her command.”

I burst out laughing. “Is that what you think? Sapphire, I’m primary owner of the café or was until I sold it to Jimmy this morning. Mom refinanced and took a large loan a few years ago. Her credit was so bad that she needed me to co-sign for her in order to obtain it. I have worked my ass off over there because it’s mine and I needed to ensure you and Sage were safe and kept a roof over your head. I didn’t trust her with the money at all so while I paid her a significant salary, most of the profits were saved. It’ll help you stay on your feet for a while. This house is heading into foreclosure. If you want to stay here, I’ll fix that immediately. Actually, it’s more like I won’t stop the payment already set up to resolve it next week.”

“And what if I don’t?”

“Then it’ll be Shay’s problem to deal with. Chances are the council will bail her out at least until she’s back on her feet.”

“Sage and I are going to be fine, Susan. You don’t have to worry about us.”

“You know I will,” I whispered. “Besides, I forced Mom to sign guardianship of Sage over to me until she turns eighteen. She’s going wherever I go, but for sure that won’t be staying in this house.”

“Then I’m coming to.”

Tarron laughed.


“Don’t. I’m not talking about moving in with the two of you. I’ll find my own place but I’m following you and Sage wherever you go. I already lost one sister. I will not lose another. I know we haven’t always gotten along, but Sonnet would want us to stay together.”

It was a low blow she hadn’t needed to make. I loved my sisters and had tried not to let our mothers preference towards her other daughters taint the fact that they were still my sisters.

“Who’s Sonnet?” Tarron asked.

“Our sister. She disappeared several years ago. We have no idea what happened to her. Susan believes she’s still alive and searches for her often.”

“And you don’t?” he asked.

“I don’t know how to,” she said sadly. “But I’m not willing to chance losing another sister.”

“She’s the one you’re looking for. Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I wasn’t ready. I was worried that I would put her more at risk if more people knew. Like somehow it will get back to the Raglan. It’s best if I just do this alone.

“But you aren’t alone. Not anymore,” he insisted. “Susan, I track and disband the Raglan for a living. If you had told me last night that you were doing all of this for your sister, then I would have already had a full team Copyright 2016 - 2024