Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,53

on her face. “So you’re looking for Susan huh? What exactly are your intentions with my sister Mr. Tarron?” Sapphire crossed her arms over her chest and there was amusement in her eyes as she harassed me.

“Right this second, I just need to know she’s okay.”

“So Sage was right, huh? From the things I’ve heard only a mating male would act this way and only over his one true mate.”

I gritted my teeth. “I’m not in mating. I just need to know where my mate is.”

She gasped and her eyes widened. “You bonded with my sister? Are you insane? There’s no way she was prepared to make that decision yesterday, not with everything that was happening.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “Shit. Well, she did, and I can’t take that back or pretend to regret it now Do you know where she’s gone?” I grabbed Sapphire by the arm pleading with her. “Please.”

Jimmy stepped out of the kitchen. “Is everything okay, Sapphire?”

“Yeah, we’re cool,” she said.

“Doesn’t much look like it to me. Take your hand off of her right now,” he warned me.

I could have been a smartass and tell him I’d like to see him try, but I knew that wasn’t going to get me anywhere, so I refrained.

“Have you seen Susan today?” she asked Jimmy as he stared daggers into me.

“Yeah, we signed the contract this morning.”

“Shay actually sold it to you?”

He smirked. “Susan didn’t exactly give her much of a choice. I never thought I’d see the day when she stood up to your mother like that.” There was pride in his voice and my hands clenched into fists trying to remain calm.

I wasn’t used to feeling so out of control. I was always in control. I was the one that handled the hotheads and loose cannons, like Baine.

It gave me an unsettled feeling that I wasn’t much fond of. Where the hell could Susan be now?

“Where did she go after that?” I asked.

Jimmy stood a little taller. “I don’t see where that’s any of your business.”

I was seconds away from punching him in the face. Even if Nonna or Silas had to come and bail me out of jail, neither would blame me for taking such liberties.

“Just tell him where she is, Jimmy,” Sapphire intervened.

He hesitated and I didn’t think he was going to listen. “I don’t know. I left her at Shay’s there were two men that arrived. She said she had things to handle first. I’m sorry, Sapphire. I shouldn’t have left her there.”

“Why? Why shouldn’t you have left her there?” I demanded.

He looked torn again on whether he should talk or not.

“Mother hit her again, didn’t she?”

Jimmy nodded.

The edges of my vision began to darken and there was a roaring in my ears. I turned to the door, ready to run across the street and rip Shay’s throat out.

Sapphire put her hand on my arm, and I tensed away from her touch.

“Calm down. Susan is no Cinderella, Tarron. She doesn’t need rescuing. I’ve never met someone more capable. She can handle herself.”

“But she shouldn’t have to,” I protested.

“I agree,” Jimmy added.

I nodded thanks to him and then turned to go and get my girl.

Before I reached the door, it flung open, and Susan walked in. I was in such a rage, that it barely registered to me that it was her.

She gasped and ran to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Jimmy, orders are piling up in here,” someone yelled from the kitchen.

He cursed under his breath and left.

Nonna came running over.

“Go to him, chickie. He needs your touch right now,” she told Susan.

I was only vaguely aware of the conversations surrounding me. I was locked into a rage that I couldn’t break, and it felt as if my feet were glued to the floor while my body vibrated bordering on convulsions.

Susan approached slowly like someone would a wounded animal.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

The worry in her voice cut through the fog and I saw her. My eyes scanned her body from her toes to her head. A low growl rumbled through me as I stared at the red marks on her cheeks.

“Touch him,” Nonna told her again, staying calm probably so not to push me further over the edge.

Susan didn’t hesitate this time as she wrapped her arms around my neck and held me close.

My body shuddered and immediately began to relax.

“You left your shoe behind,” I managed to say in a strained gravelly voice.

Sapphire laughed. “He called you Cinderella. I probably should have warned Copyright 2016 - 2024