Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,49

my breast toying with my nipple and the stimulation was too much. I didn’t think I could handle anymore.

He kissed me as his hand slid south to touch me where we were united as one. It was too much.

I screamed out and my body started convulsing. It was so strong and powerful that, for a second, I wasn’t sure I was going to survive it, but what a way to go.

His motions became erratic and jerky until he groaned out my name and something inside me snapped. My toes curled and my vision burst into fireworks all around us.

He rolled over onto his back breathing heavily, then he reached over and pulled me to him.

I snuggled into him, smelling his skin to commit his scent to memory.

I wasn’t sure how long we laid there like that before reality crashed into me.

“Holy shit, I’ve never actually had an orgasm before now,” I said aloud.

There was a point of slight relief just before things starting getting uncomfortable and building to that cliff. It dawned on me that I’d always bailed at that point considering it an orgasm, when really, I’d been depriving myself greatly of the real deal.

Tarron hadn’t let me bail early. He’d pushed me to the cliff and then held my hand to jump together.

He chuckled. With my head resting on his chest, I could feel it rumble through him.

“I can promise you there will be many more of those in your future.”

“Promises, promises,” I teased.

Apparently, he took that as a challenge. There was not just one more in my future but two before I begged for mercy and fell asleep splayed out across him.


I groaned and stretched. I was laying on something hard surrounded by the most amazing smell. It comforted me and made me feel safe and warm. I stretched.

At the sound of light snoring, I jolted upright.

My face paled and my hand flew to my neck. I cringed when I felt the prickling of pain there.

“Oh no.” What had I done?

I looked around for my overnight bag I’d brought in. It was sitting on the other bed. I carefully eased out of bed so as not to wake him.

Tarron looked so peaceful and content. He smiled in his sleep.

Flashes of yesterday began to come to me. Reality slowly sank in. I’d bonded myself to a complete stranger.

He didn’t feel like a stranger, but he was. I knew next to nothing about him.

As I started freaking out, I got out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, grabbing my bag along the way.

I closed and locked the door.

Staring in the mirror, I barely recognized myself. My hair was a mess. My lips were swollen. There were light pink brush marks left by his beard on my cheeks, neck, chest, everywhere.

My eyes locked onto the mark. Tarron’s mark. I was his now. The fear of becoming someone’s property was mixed with a hint of excitement.

“No, no, no, no.” I mumbled under my breath.

How could I have been so stupid?

I dressed for the day and brushed my hair into a high ponytail. I applied just enough makeup to cover the damage and make myself presentable.

Feeling satisfied with the results I crept back out of the bathroom and searched for my purse and shoes. Tarron was still sleeping. I tried to be as quiet as possible quickly finding my purse and one shoe.

I looked everywhere but couldn’t fine my other shoe.

He started to stir. I had other shoes in the car. Saying screw it, I snuck out with only one shoe on my foot. By the time I reached the car the pain in my chest was almost unbearable.

I grabbed another pair of shoes and tossed my solo one into the passenger’s seat.

I couldn’t allow myself to even think about what I’d done or what it would mean for my future. I had an appointment with my lawyer, the bank, and Jimmy. I couldn’t leave before I had everything in order and knew my sisters were going to be okay.

That meant facing my mother. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I had never shied away from something I needed to do, no matter what curves life threw at me.

The morning passed by quickly and I was so busy that I didn’t even have time to think about my next move. What was I going to do after the café was sold?

Everything was going smoothly, too smoothly. I swung into the restaurant to talk to Jimmy. The breakfast crowd was just Copyright 2016 - 2024