Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,36

in public and only partially sheltered by the building, kissing passionately for everyone to see, was only a mere inkling of understanding in that moment.

I was lost in him and felt more in that kiss than I had when I gave my virginity over to my high school boyfriend who I thought I was madly in love with at the time. The love I thought I had felt for him paled with one kiss from Tarron. No other experience I’d ever had could have prepared me for this moment.

His hands cupped my behind and pulled me tightly against him. I could feel his need rock hard between us and it triggered enough rational brain cells for me to slow things down some.

Our kisses slowed and he backed off, following my lead.

With one final peck, he eased away. His forehead rested against mine as he searched my eyes for something. I didn’t know what.

“This is insane, right?” he asked.


“But it feels so right.”

I nodded, unable to put into words what I was feeling and how complete and unafraid I felt even though my entire world was crumbling around me.

“I need to go talk to Jimmy,” I whispered.

He nodded. “Go.”

I hesitated and then walked back into the café. My fingers felt my swollen lips and I was certain my face was red with tiny scratches from his beard. It hadn’t tickled at all, quite the opposite. I had loved the friction it caused. It seemed to heighten my nerves in even more enjoyable ways.

As I rounded the corner I looked back and could see him trying to get control of himself. I had done that. It made me feel powerful and more confident than ever. With a grin I went to find Jimmy.


Chapter 13

What just happened?

My head was spinning. If she hadn’t slowed things down between us I knew I would have taken her right there. I had never wanted anyone the way I wanted Susan. To think I’d only known her a few hours was insane.

It felt as if I’d known her my entire life. My body was so in sync with hers it was crazy.

I suddenly understood why my brothers had gone insane when finding their mates. My fox was already on edge and making me uncomfortable in my own skin with her out of our sight.

I didn’t want to leave her side, but I knew she had work to do. A small part of my brain registered that she had mentioned selling the café, but I wasn’t in a place to be able to understand what that could mean. It was no more than a nagging point in the back of my mind.

I liked her sister. Sage was quick witted and unique. I hoped she could meet Kelsey someday and understand that she wasn’t alone in this world. There were others like her.

Reality slowly started crashing back into me. I looked around as cars passed by on the road out front. Had we really just been making out right here in the open? I felt terrible for that. I needed her kisses like I needed air to breathe. Nothing else had mattered.

I cursed myself for not having better resolve. She deserved better than that. I silently promised myself that I would do better next time. There was no doubt there would be a next time.

Mine, my fox growled.

“Mine,” I whispered.

By the time I walked back into the restaurant, Sage was at my side.

“You look as frazzled as Susan,” she teased.

“Shut up,” I said affectionately.

“Can I meet, Nonna?”

“Come on, little one. I’ll introduce you. Tell her what I am to your sister, and you’re dead.”

Sage froze. I immediately felt bad.

“I didn’t mean that literally.”

“No, not that. You called me little one. Why?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know. Just seemed fitting.”

Her smile widened. “Susan calls me that too. She’s the only one that ever has.”

“Huh, weird.”

She took my arm and escorted me back to my table.

Nonna looked up and her face fell in confusion. “I thought you got lost or something.”

My forehead wrinkled. “Nonna this is Sage. Sage, my Nonna.”

“Hi Nonna.” She lowered voice and leaned in to whisper. “Are you really a wolf?”

Nonna covered her surprise quickly and then sniffed the air around Sage. “I am. And you?”

“Fox. Like him.”

She shot me a curious look and I knew there would be a full-blown interrogation the second we were alone.

“How old are you, little one?”

I smiled at the nickname.

“Told you, it’s fitting.”

Sage rolled her eyes and groaned. “I’m not so little anymore.”

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