Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,24

minor setback. I need my money, so make the sale.”

I turned to Whitley. “You’ll witness this when she drags her feet and refuses to sign the papers?”

He nodded hesitantly. “Susan, please think about this first. Selling the business? You’re doing so well.”

“The thing is Mr. Whitley, the café has never been my dream. I do it for my sisters. Besides, I know it will be in far better hands now.”

I turned and stomped out of the bank.

Tears burned my eyes as I drove back to the restaurant, but I stubbornly refused to let them fall.

I prayed Jimmy was serious about his offer. I never dreamed in a million years that Shay would stoop so low. I paced back and forth in front of the large window trying to pull myself together before walking in to talk to Jimmy.

Logically I knew the diner was in full rush mode, but I was single-mindedly focused on what needed to happen now. I was grateful for the nest egg I’d squirreled away for exactly this moment. There was no way I was going to spend even one more night under her roof.

I’d make it work and somehow still find a way to keep my promise to Sage. I had to.


Chapter 9

The small café was directly across from the address I’d procured for the hacker. It was perfect. I was able to get us a booth next to the large picture window with a clear view of the house.

I knew the second I saw it that I had been right. I was dealing with an amateur hacker and nothing more.

Nonna was too busy chatting it up with the exotic looking waitress. She had long platinum colored hair and the most unique eyes I’d ever seen, one blue and one green. She seemed sweet and I’d already ignored two hints from Nonna of her approval. I knew she could sense the girl was a shifter too. That would only add to my Nonna’s excitement.

I told her constantly that she was little more than a dog with a bone when she had her mind set on something. Unfortunately for me, that something was set on me finding a mate and settling down.

I looked down at the menu and placed my breakfast order. It took a while for the waitress to break away to retrieve our drinks.

“I like her,” Nonna proclaimed.

“You always do,” I mumbled.

“I like this place too. Everyone seems so friendly and, well, comfortable. You felt that too, right?”

I grinned. Nothing got passed her. “Yes Nonna, I noticed.”

“I wonder what kind,” she said.

“Not something you just come out and ask a stranger,” I reminded her.

I hadn’t seen any territory lines in the area, at least not anything Westin Force was aware of. It made me a little uneasy thinking I could have tread into a pack territory without realizing it. There were rules and respect issues to deal with if that were the case.

I picked up my phone and shot off a text to Archie to look into it.

Since I was there on a mission to find a hacker looking for information on the Raglan, the presence of other shifters was even more unsettling. I had been prepared to find the Raglan, though I had also been certain that I wasn’t dealing with professionals and they had the backing to hire far better. I had to admit that I was just a little impressed by the skills and level of talent I’d been battling for an amateur working out of a house.

The house was quiet. There didn’t appear to be anyone at home.

The waitress brought our drinks. “Can I get you anything else while you’re waiting?”

“We’re fine,” Nonna said. “What’s your name, sweetie?”

The girl smiled. She really was quite beautiful, but I felt no attraction to her.

“Sapphire. Just holler if you need anything at all, okay?”

Nonna motioned for her to come closer and then whispered. “What are you exactly?”

The smile dropped from the girl’s face and she stiffened jumping back like she’s just been burned.

“Nonna,” I said harshly.

Sapphire sniffed the air and her eyes widened. She started to relax a little and leaned back down. “Fox. Arctic to be exact. You?”

This time there was a twinkle of interest in her eyes.

“Wolf. Just passing through. This is my grandson. Caleb, say hello to Sapphire.”

“Hello, Sapphire.”

A bell rang and she gave an apologetic look as she ran off to serve another customer.

Something caught my attention and I turned to see the most gorgeous creature ever pacing back and Copyright 2016 - 2024