Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,23

nothing but an insolent child.”

“Ms. Dubois, your daughter is far from a child. She is also one of my most valued and responsible clients. If it were not for Susan, we would certainly not be having this conversation.”

My jaw dropped at Mr. Whitley’s audacity. I had never heard anyone speak to my mother that way. I could feel her anger rolling off in waves because of it, too.

“Now Susan, your mother is seeking to refinance the café with a hefty new loan. To be completely frank, I’m not sure it’s feasible. But she says you’re working on an expansion project for the restaurant, and I’d like to hear more about it.”

I dared a look at Shay, and I had no doubt the pain and betrayal in my eyes was evident.

I cleared my throat and straightened my back. “I have no knowledge for plans of expansion to Shay Vous,” I told him honestly. “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

“You traitor. What have I ever done to you? And why are you even on my business account?”

I was done. It was time to stand up to her once and for all.

“Who do you think handles the business finances, payroll, all of it? And why am I on it? Why? Do you not remember the last time you pulled this crap? Do you really think with the way you throw money around that anyone would have given you the last loan? I had to co-sign on it to make that happen for you, or have you forgotten that part?”

She started to shrink into her seat. It should have felt gratifying, but it didn’t. I was too angry to feel anything else.

I turned to Mr. Whitley. “I assure you there is no expansion coming now or anytime in the near future. And if you’re seeking my permission to sign another ridiculous loan for her, then the answer is no, and I would question your business ethics if you gave her a loan on her own. This is coming because she threw away her own money at the casino, an insanely high salary for a woman who does absolutely nothing to help out in her own business.”

“Says you. Why I never?”

“Never what mother? Worked? I think everyone here knows that.”

“I’ve had enough,” she yelled rising to her feet. I could sense her fox close to the edge. My chin lifted in challenge and defiance. “Get your things and get out of my house now. And you’re fired.”

“You can’t fire me,” I told her dryly. “My lawyer made damn sure of that knowing this day would inevitably come. He didn’t trust you and neither do I. Shay Vous is half mine. If you want your money so badly then I have a buyer ready to go, just say the word.”

She took a step back and raised her hand to strike me. Mr. Whitley cleared his throat reminding her of his presence. And she stalled.

“Do it and I’ll have them call the cops and have you arrested right now. I’m tired of being your punching bag,” I said adding a low guttural growl for emphasis. I turned back to Mr. Whitley. “There will be no refinancing. She can take it up with my lawyer if she has a problem with that. Is there anything else you need from me? Or am I free to go?”

“Actually, there is the case of the foreclosure,” he said.

Shay cut him off. “That is most certainly none of her business.”

Foreclosure? But the business was fine, I was certain of it.

“The house? You stopped paying the mortgage? Are you insane? I gave you additional money just last week to cover that.”

“Well, it wasn’t enough,” she explained.

I took a deep breath. “How much? How much, Shay?”

She hated it when I called her that. If looks could kill I would be dead from the hard look she shot at me.

“It’s four months in the rears. I’ve done everything I could to stall this, Susan.”

“I really wish you hadn’t,” I said sadly.

“If you won’t give me the loan then I have no choice. Sell the café,” she said coldly.

“Then what? Where will you get your money then?”

“That is not your problem, Susan. You are a child. I am the parent here.”

“Then act like it,” I spat. “Are you even considering Sapphire and Sage here? What about them? What are they going to do if you go through with this?”

“We’ll be just fine, without you. I always land on my feet. This is merely a Copyright 2016 - 2024