Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,22

us talking about her, I looked up at the sound of the knock on the front door to find Sage standing there watching us.

I opened the door, and she ran into my arms.

“You’re going to leave again, aren’t you?”

“No,” I told her.

“Yes,” Jimmy and Sapphire said at the same time.

“Sage, Mom’s not in a good place right now. We need to be strong and protect Susan for once because we all know she has put her entire life on hold to support and protect us,” Sapphire said.

A tear ran down Sage’s cheek wetting my neck where she’d buried her face.

“But I feel like I just got you back,” she cried softly.

“I’m right here, Sage. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Susan,” Sapphire started but I stubbornly shook my head.

Sage stiffened in my arms and backed away. “She hit you. I never thought she would do that. I was so scared.”

“She’ll never lay a finger on you,” I swore.

“It’s not that. I don’t think she will. She’s always treated you differently. That’s why when you left, I was so angry. I didn’t think you’d ever come back. I don’t want to lose you again.”

“You won’t lose her, Sage. Susan will always be our sister no matter where she is in this world. Always,” Sapphire insisted.

The three of us hugged.

“I’m serious about the offer, Susan. Any time. I’m going to go prep for breakfast now,” Jimmy said.

“Thanks Jimmy.”

“Mom will never allow it,” Sapphire said in a low voice.

“I know.”

Sapphire shooed Sage home. She was going to need to get ready for school soon. We promised her that if she finished quickly, she could stop back by for breakfast.

I loved my sisters more than ever. They didn’t realize it, but they were easing the funk I’d been in since the incident with Mom. I suddenly didn’t feel quite so alone. Jimmy was a big part of that too. As the others started rolling in for work for the day it dawned on me just how lucky I really was.

I couldn’t change things with my mother. I knew that now. There was nothing I could do. Change would have to come from her. I’d done everything she’d ever asked of me in search of love from that woman and the only truth I could grasp from those efforts was that there was something inside of me that simply wasn’t worth loving.

I pushed those thoughts away and got to work. In the middle of the breakfast rush, I got a phone call from the bank asking me to come in.

I didn’t want to deal with it, but I knew I had to. I ran home just long enough to change into the one business suit I owned, and then left to make it to the bank on time.

I hadn’t told anyone why I was leaving, just that an emergency had come up. Sapphire didn’t hesitate to jump in and cover for me. I was grateful for no Shay encounters along the way.

I pulled up to the bank and had a sinking feeling in my gut.

I paused long enough to check the accounts on my phone. Only Shay’s personal account looked questionable. That gave me a little relief at least. I couldn’t imagine what they could possibly need to talk to me about.

I got up and stood tall holding my head up as I walked into the bank.

Maeve ran over to me the second she spotted me. “Thanks for coming so quickly. Mr. Whitley is at his wits end.”

“What’s going on?” I asked her in a hushed tone.

She frowned. “We were afraid you didn’t know. He’s waiting and said to bring you right back.”

I took a deep breath at the door and put a big smile on my face. I walked in and saw Shay sitting there. She glared at me and my façade fell. Whatever this was I had no doubt it was bad.

“Susan, thanks for coming on such short notice,” Mr. Whitley greeted me warmly.

I nodded.

“What’s she doing here?” Shay sneered. “She has nothing to do with this.”

“Actually, Ms. Dubois, the account you’re attempting to borrow against is in Susan’s name. We cannot proceed without her approval.”

I wanted to throw up. The only joint account I had set up with my mother was the business. Why was she trying to borrow money against the café? Why hadn’t she just asked me as usual?

I slowly sank into the chair next to her.

“Please catch me up on what’s happening here.”

“Tell her nothing. This is my business, not hers. She’s Copyright 2016 - 2024