Teaching Her Billionaire Cowboy Rookie - April Murdock

Chapter One

Ty Langston held up steadying hands as Mick Breeden stumbled out of the bar. “Easy, Breeden, maybe we should get you home.”

Mick’s hand sliced through the air and he shook his head. “I’m fine,” he slurred. He took two more stumbling steps and leaned against a light post.

“No, you need to sleep this off. Where do you live?”

Mick snorted. “I don’t have a home. I don’t have anyone.”

Ty lifted Mick’s arm and wrapped it around his shoulders. He rolled his eyes. “Thanks for that,” he muttered as they shuffled down the street toward Ty’s large Ford F150. The black beauty shone even under the cloudy sky.

Ty shifted Mick’s weight and pushed him against the truck. “You better not throw up in my truck.”

As if on cue, Mick turned to the side and heaved the contents of his stomach onto the dusty earth at his feet. Ty winced. Why had he even agreed to hang out with the guy? They’d both lost someone close to them—the same brother-in-arms—but in truth, Ty hardly knew Mick. He wasn’t sure anyone really did.

Mick was in a bad place, that was why. A stab of pain shot through his chest at the memory of the funeral a few months back. His jaw tightened. Steven was gone, he wasn’t coming back, but Ty wasn’t about to waste away mourning a comrade. Steven wouldn’t have wanted that anyway. He’d never forget Steven or any of his brothers, but life had to go on. He had to go on.

He glanced at Mick, who righted himself and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His gaze clouded over. “Let’s go back to the bar.” He took one step in the direction they’d come, but Ty put his hand on Mick’s shoulder.


Mick scowled at him. “Who do you think you are? My mother?” He let out a snarky laugh.

Ty’s jaw tightened. “I’m not going to let you drink yourself to death. Nothing’s worth that.”

Mick’s brown eyes flashed. “Wanna bet?” He straightened. “You and your perfect life want to go toe-to-toe against mine?”

“You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

“Really? You still have parents? A family? How about job prospects? Face it, Langston. You have it pretty sweet, cuz I got none of that.”

Ty’s hands balled into fists. “Shut up, Breeden.”

“Go off and find a pretty girl, get married, and have lots of babies. That’s what your fluffy life deserves.” Mick sneered.

As if being controlled by another force, Ty pulled back his hand and clocked Mick in the jaw. Mick went down just as easily as Ty expected. He examined his fist and shook it out.

They’d served in Afghanistan at the same time, but in different units. Mick and he weren’t close enough to know each other’s secrets but that didn’t mean he’d let Mick push him around—even if he was drunk.

“You’re not messing up my truck,” he muttered as he dragged his unconscious buddy by the boots around to the back of the truck. The tailgate swung down almost soundlessly, and Ty grunted as he hoisted Mick into the back of his truck. He wandered around the side of the truck and opened the back door on the passenger side.

He really shouldn’t go through Mick’s things. But there had to be something in the bag to tell him where he could drop his distant pal off. Ty was done babysitting for the weekend. He didn’t need this kind of negative energy. He’d had enough of that for a lifetime.

Ty’s hands dug through clothes, essentials, and a few personal items until he came to a bundle of envelopes. The one on top was dated recently. He pulled it from the pile and slipped the letter out into his hands.

“No family, my eye,” he growled as he shot a look at the still-sleeping drunk. The writer of the letter apologized for taking so long to find the information, but they were pleased to announce they’d found Mick’s family.

…Unfortunately, we were unable to locate your parents. However, we did locate your mother’s sister, Heidi Bolton. The Boltons reside in Texas and own a ranch. The address is below. I hope this information gives you the closure you need…

Ty stared at the address. So that was why Mick wanted to meet up in this part of the state. He glanced at Mick. A little too much liquid courage could be a bad thing. Pulling out his phone, he hesitated before putting the address into the GPS.

Mick hadn’t mentioned anything about visiting

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