Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,7

her arm. “You were just leaving, weren’t you Jamie?”

She shook her head back and forth, her hair swinging with every move. “Actually, I forgot something inside. Let’s go get it. Nice to see you, Mr. Downs.” She pulled on Sarah’s arm and I caught a glimpse of Sarah’s green eyes before the door was shut in my face.

Her eyes were so large, full and bright. She had called me Mr. Downs. I rolled my eyes and hit the briefcase on the side of my leg. Damn it.

I collapsed onto the bed my bed once I got inside and took my shirt and shoes off. This semester was going to be too hard.


“Please tell me that’s not your new Survey to Civ teacher? It’s the same guy Cody was saying was hot?” Jamie asked, her tongue practically dropping out of her mouth.

I sighed and walked over to the futon. “It is my new teacher. I meet him last night when I took Zeus to the bathroom. I tripped over his dog.”

“Is that a sexual innuendo?” Jamie wiggled her eyebrows.

“Yes, I tripped over his penis. Shut up,” I said, throwing a pillow at her face. She blocked it and smiled brightly.

“What a fucking hottie. You have to know he is sexy. How on earth are you going to learn with his hotness radiating in the room?”

“I’ll manage,” I said, which was a small lie. He was almost too hot. I rolled my eyes at myself. How pathetic can one person be? “Anyway, I have some homework to do. You were just leaving…remember?”

She rolled her eyes and staggered to the door. “Oh, Tyler text me and asked if I wanted to go to the movies.” She pressed her teeth into her lip to keep from smiling.

“Oh yeah,” I picked at my jeans, “what’d you’d say?”

“Yes,” she said. “We’re going this weekend. See ya later.”

I laughed, as I picked up Zeus’ toys from around the house. I swear it was like I had a damned kid. I tossed my book bag on my bed and winced at the soda stain on my comforter. Matt. He’d gotten mad about Liam and threw his glass on my bed. Two minutes later he was apologizing and kissing me. He had one hell of a temper.

Knock. Knock. Damn, Matt’s home early. I walked to the door. Matt was leaned against the door frame, hands wrapped around the top. “Hey, baby,” he said, kissing my cheek. He smelled like sweat, dirt and boys.

“Hey, you’re here early,” I said.

He walked past me and went straight for the kitchen. “Yeah, we have a game tomorrow. Coach let us go home early. I’m starved. I think I’m gonna call for Chinese. Does that sound good?”

Anything were I don’t have to cook. “Yeah,” I said, sliding down on the coach. Matt walked over and slid in beside me, his blue eyes wide and raking over me.

He nuzzled his mouth into my neck and kissed along my collar bone. “You smell good, babe.” Too bad you don’t. He pulled me closer and I leaned against him, letting him wrap his arms around my waist. “I heard a few girls talking in class about a new teacher. He’s supposed to be cute or something.” He turned on the TV.

Fuck. Should I tell him? Better me than someone else. “Yeah, actually it’s our next door neighbor. He is my new Survey of Civ teacher.”

Matt stopped channel surfing and turned toward me. His jaw flexed and he tilted his head to the side. His black hair was a mess underneath his cap and his shirt stuck to his chest. “You mean the guy that was checking out your ass last night is your new teacher?”

He was checking out my ass? My stomach warmed at the thought of him touching it with his large hands. No, Sarah. “I doubt he was really doing that, Matt. But, yeah, he is my teacher. That should make you feel better. He is my teacher, not some random college guy.”

Matt groaned and clenched his fist. “Just because he is a teacher doesn’t mean he isn’t still a man. He was looking at your ass, and if I see him do it again I’ll beat the hell out of him,” Matt said, turning back toward the TV.

I didn’t doubt that Matt would pick a fight, he done it all the time. But, I had nothing to worry about because Liam was my teacher, and I was the one acting like a love-struck puppy

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