Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,41

Crossett letterhead. I furrowed my brows and bit my lip as I read. My eyes popped opened. “You’re going to work at Crossett?”

Liam smiled and nodded. “I talked to the chancellor and he got me a history class to teach at Crossett. It’ll be a thirty-minute commute. But, I will no longer be a teacher at UAM.”

The letter fell from my hand. “Liam. Are you telling me we can see each other?”

Liam stood from the stool and took me neck in his grasp. A cat like smile reached to his eyes. “I’m telling you that we can have each other.”

A tear slipped from my eye. “Good, because I’m not good at breaking the rules.”

Liam laughed, his deep sexy laugh. “Oh, Ms. Thomas. I’m sure I can teach you.”

I reached over and pulled his shirt over his head. “Mr. Downs, I’m begging you to.”


Seven months later.


I stared at Sarah as she come closer to the security check. She was tugging her leopard print carryon and pulling her matching suitcase. She was smiling, walking beside Cody. Her boobs looked really good, and I swear I saw a guy stare right down her shirt. I should beat the bastards, ass. But, I wouldn’t. This was a good time. We’d been together ever since I transferred schools. We basically moved in together a few months after. She had even gotten my dad to loosen up about my job. He saw that she really cared for me, teaching job or not. Everything had seemed to fall into place. Just like I’d hoped.

“Will you please let me carry your bags for you?” I asked when she got to me.

Cody put his hands up in surrender. “Don’t even try it. I tried to carry them for her, but she said she was a college graduate and a educated woman.”

I lifted an eyebrow at her smile. “So, an educated woman can’t have her bags carried for he?”

She shook her head, her green eyes smiling. “Nope. Because an educated woman knows that a man only wants a favor in return when doing that.”

I laughed. “Well, may I please carry your bags, Ms. Thomas? Because, I’m thinking a nice favor would do in the airplane’s bathroom.”

She winked. “Keep it up and I’ll take you up on that offer.”

“Okay, this is TMI, people. Even though you’re both gorgeous, we don’t need a display of naughtiness in the airport.” Cody smiled and reached down to hug Sarah. “Please be careful. Call me when you get there and please come back. I couldn’t live if you abandoned me in Hicksville.”

Sarah wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m only going to be gone two months.”

Cody whimpered. “Don’t remind me. I love you, Sarah. Please, be careful.” He turned toward me. “Liam, take care of her. I’ll kill you if you let anything happen to her.”

I shook Cody’s hand. “I’d kill myself, buddy. Love ya man.” I hugged him. After a few more goodbyes, Cody left. Sarah was quiet during security. When we got on the plane, she curled her feet up to her chin and looked out of the window.

Grabbing her chin, I twisted her toward me. “Are you alright, darlin?”

She smiled and leaned against the seat. “I’m better than okay, Liam. We’re going to England.”

I nodded. “Yeah, you know the middle dot.”

She laughed and pointed to it where it would have been on he belly. “Yeah. The middle dot. I’m happy I’m here with you. I love you.”

Squeezing her cheek, I leaned over and kissed her lips. It wasn’t the first time we’d said I love you. But, it still felt like the first every time. “I’m happy to be with you. I love you.”

She snuggled into the crook of my arm. “You remember how you said you’d teach me how to break the rules?”

I glanced down at her, even though she couldn’t see me. “Yeah, what about it?”

She reached over and grabbed me. “Oh,” I said, enjoying her movement of her hand up and down my shaft.

She whispered against my ear, “Maybe we could go to the bathroom and you teach me a little something.”

Grabbing her hand, I brought her closer to me. “I’ll beat you there.”

She laughed, and jumped up toward the bathroom. I watched as she twitched her hips toward the back of the plane. She winked before slipping inside.

That was one thing I loved about her, she always surprised me. I stood up and followed her path down the hallway. I could hear her giggling from a few seats away. Reaching into my jeans pocket, I clenched the engagement ring box in the comfort of the fabric. It wouldn’t be long before I had Sarah in every way possible. I opened the bathroom door, and she smiled.

“Time for our lesson, Ms. Thomas.”

Check out volume II in the series Play Me coming this summer.

Thanks for reading.

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