Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,38

“You fucking bitch.”

I pointed to the door, not sure how I was even keeping a straight face. He scared the shit out of me. He stormed from the apartment, and slammed the door. I fell to the ground. It was over.

My phone rang a few minutes later. It was the chancellor. He wanted me there. I buried back the tears and got dressed to meet them.

Chapter Sixteen


Sarah was pale. She knew. I could only imagine when she got that call how she felt. The chancellor sat behind his desk, fingers intertwined and looking at us. We didn’t dare look at each other. There wasn’t any reason to torture ourselves. I wanted to hold her to my chest and tell her it was going to be okay, but I didn’t. I kept my hands in my lap.

“I’m not going to fire you, Liam,” he finally said after a few minutes. “I’m not. You’re new here, it’s your first time teaching and your young. But, I am giving you a warning.” I sighed. Thank, God. “As for the situation. I’m going to have Sarah transferred from your class, and into another. I’m also forbidding you two to have any contact. If I hear or see you two together again, Sarah you will be expelled and Liam you fired. You’re about to graduate Sarah, don’t ruin your chances, okay?”

Sarah color hadn’t returned. She nodded and smiled at him. “Thank you, sir.”

“Okay, you are both dismissed. You can talk it out, but if I see you together after today, it’s over.”

I stood up first, my heart thumping against my ribs. “Than you, sir.” I left the room, feeling sick to my stomach. It was the first fucking week of school and I’d already fucked up.

I waited by Sarah’s car, and she finally came out. She was staring straight forward. “So,” I said, trying to grab her hand, but she pulled it away.

“I’m sorry, Liam. I’m sorry I ruined this for you. It’s all my fault. I knew it was wrong.”

I tried to hug her but she stepped aside. “It’s both of our faults. I am…I was your teacher and I knew the consequences.”

She nodded. “Well, I guess I need to go now, huh?” She glanced up at me with green eyes.

“Sarah,” I asked. “We could see each other at home. It will be the same--,”

“No!” she yelled. “We’ve already been caught. It’s over. I can’t jeopardize your job anymore than I already have. I’m sorry, Liam. I have to go.”

I didn’t stop her. She got into her Jeep and sped away. My stomach hurt from rejection, and her leaving me with nothing. I’d only known the girl a week and I knew I should let go, but I didn’t want to. I was selfish and greedy. And I didn’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thought. But she did, and I would respect her wishes. For now.

Three Weeks Later


My stomach growled when I walked into my apartment. Cody must have gotten off early, because I smelled cooking from the kitchen. I placed my bags on the futon and took off my shoes. I hadn’t talked to Liam since that day. I was transferred into another class, and I never came out of my apartment except for school. Cody tried to get me to go out, but I couldn’t make myself go.

Liam hadn’t tried to talk to me and that was worse. I couldn’t even take a shower without thinking about the things we’d done in there. I groaned and walked into the kitchen.

“Something smells good…” I stopped in my tracks. Matt was standing in my kitchen, no shirt cooking. I hadn’t spoken to him since his outburst in my room. He smiled over at me.

“Spaghetti your favorite. Thought you’d be hungry.”

I stood there for a minute trying to get my mind straight. I’d seen Matt around campus, and Jamie was behind him. She hadn’t even looked at me since then, and it hurt. She’d been my best friend. Now she was nothing. “What are you doing here, Matt?”

His smile never faltered. “Fixing dinner.”


“Because, I miss you.”

“Oh,” I said, anger rising in my throat. “So, you think that you can just come in here after me telling you to leave and start over? News flash, buddy. You can’t. I don’t want you in here. I want you to leave.”

Matt slammed his pot down on the stove, and leaned over closing his eyes. “I want a lot of things that I don’t get, but I

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