Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,33


She huffed and pushed her blonde bangs from her forehead. “Okay, so that didn’t go as planned. I heard the guy stalking through the room when I was about half way down. God, what a crazy ass.”

“He needs to get some anger management.”

“So, what now?” she asked.

I grabbed her waist. “I guess we go home.”

The sun was blinding me from a crack in my blinds. It was early, but Layla was licking my face. I smiled and patted her back, running my fingers over her soft fur. “Hey, girl. I’m up. I’m up.”

I leaned up and looked to my left. Sarah was lying on her back, no shirt and her arm over her head. My morning wood reminded me how damn hot she was. She stirred, turning over on her belly. The soft skin of her back was begging to be touched. I leaned over her, letting my lips press between her shoulder blades.

“Um, good morning,” she said, rolling over to face me.

“Yes, it is.” I smiled.

“Today is meet the parents day, right?” She yawned, stretching her hands over her head.

“It is. But, don’t seem too happy about it. My parents are…”

“A pain in the ass?”

“Hit the nail on the head. But, it should be fine. They just want to see that I’m doing okay. Now, of course, you can’t be a student. You’ll have to pretend to be a teacher or something.”

She stroked her chin. “Can I be a math teacher?”

“If ya want.”

She sat up. “I do. I’m not good at math and pretending I am makes me feel better.”

I laughed and pulled her on top of me. “Sorry about last night.”

She raised a blonde eyebrow. “Why? I had a lot of fun last night. The couch, the kitchen counter.”

“I meant the dance. I know you wanted to go and we kind of got pulled away.”

“I didn’t really want to go, I had just felt bad for Tyler. I saw Matt there, but he wasn’t with Jamie. I haven’t seen her since the library.”

I kneaded her backside, and watched her. “Matt is stupid, you know that, right? He had a good thing and threw it away.”

“He came up to me in Java City begging forgiveness. I told him to get away from me.”

“What’d he say?”

“No, but I haven’t heard from him since.” She climbed off of me and onto the floor. “I’m going to get in the shower. I need to do some homework and I have a few errands to run today. I’ll meet you back here at five?”

I nodded, reached over and slapped her ass. “Five it is.”

Chapter Fourteen


After I took a shower, I met Cody downstairs. He was brushing through his hair with a tiny comb and picking at his face.

“Stop picking at your face.”

“Gotta look good, Sarah. I can’t go into town looking any kind of way.”

I got into my Jeep and started toward town. “So, after errands where are we going? Wanna go get lunch?”

“Yeah, and I need to go look at Suzi Page 2. I need something to wear tonight that’s not too flashy but shows I have class. You know I’m a professor now.”

Cody held back a laugh. “That’s right, dinner with his parents. And sure Ms. Thomas, I’m sure you’d be a great teacher…not. You hate kids.”

“Well,” I straightened up. “I’m teaching adults not children. Although, most act like children.”

Cody nodded. “Oh, what was up with the text last night. What happened at the party?”

I gave him a brief rundown and he covered his face laughing. “You and him seem to be prone to accidents, Sarah. Let’s hope you two don’t get caught.”

“We’re going to Monroe to eat. We can’t risk eating here. Everyone would know in point two seconds.”

“Isn’t that the truth.”

After we paid a few bills, and ate, we headed to Suzi Page 2. It was a nice, small shop on the square up town. It was the only place in town, besides Stage, to get anything decent to wear. Cody and I walked in and started to take a look around.

“This is cute,” Cody said holding up a small dinner dress. It was fitted on the sides, and flared at the waist. It was super cute. He raked through the rack and pulled out a size six. “Here, go try this on.”

I changed in the dressing room, then stepped out so Cody could see. He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “You look hot, almost hot enough to kiss, but I don’t think I’m there yet.”

I laughed and twirled

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