Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,30

so gentle, his hands trailing all over me. We done it again in the shower, but it was slow, more passionate. We had already had our fix on one another and it was time to take it slow. Though not much about our relationship had been slow so far. It was a nice, hot change.

“Hello!” Cody yelled, pushing his bangs away from his blue eyes. “I need details, Sarah. Like why Matt has been calling my cell phone nonstop talking about how he messed up? Secondly, how your mind-blowing sex was with Mr. Hottie?”

I trailed my finger around the top of my cup. “First, I caught Matt making out with Jamie in the library.”

“Gasp. No fucking way. That little slut. And Matt, that douche. I would beat him the hell up if I knew I wouldn’t get my ass kicked.”

I shrugged. “I cheated on him, too, Cody. With my teacher.”

“True. But with your best friend makes it worse. That’s probably why Jamie had acted so weird around Tyler and you. And it explains their episode in the hallway the other day. I knew it was weird. I’m sorry, sweetie. But, you do need to spill. Tell me everything.” He held his chin with hand.

I filled him in and he was panting by the time it was over. “Damn it, Sarah. I don’t care if it’s against the rules. You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

I rolled my eyes. “I have to get ready for class. I have a test today.”

“Do you even remember any of your studying with him?”

I shook my head. “Hell no.”

I walked into the classroom right as Liam was passing out the test. His eyes darted to me and a small smile rose on his lips. “Hello, Sarah. You can take your seat.”

I nodded, and sat beside Tyler. He looked terrible. “Hey, Sarah. Really sorry about Matt and Jamie.”

I grabbed a pen, and tucked my bag underneath my desk. “Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that one. I’m sure that’s why Jamie was acting so strange.” He nodded. “But, we’re both better off without them.”

“Yeah. I was going to ask her to the dance, all the baseball players normally have dates. Now, I’ll have to find one.” He ran his fingers over his face. I felt bad for him, he probably had really liked Jamie. She was pretty, and normally nice.

“Well, I’ll go with you as your date. If you don’t think it would cause any problems. I’m sure Matt and Jamie will go together.”

Tyler nodded. “Yeah, sure, that’d be fun. I can pick you up around seven?”


Liam had made it around to my row by that time. He looked totally delicious. I could have stripped him down right there in front of everyone. He had a button down shirt on, tucked into a pair of khakis. I could see his muscles stretched out underneath his shirt. He smiled, and gave the person behind me her test first. I furrowed my brow, and took the test he offered me. “Here ya go.” He winked.

He walked back to the front of the classroom and leaned against the desk. I glanced over my test and couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone in the room looked over at me. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

Next to every dot on the map was a different body part. Right side. Belly. Right hip. Left hip. Breast. Liam’s gaze caught mine and he winked.

Smiling, I took the test. I waited until everyone had finished before walking up to the front. “Well, this was a rather hard test, Mr. Downs. I’m not sure if I passed or not.”

Liam reached forward, took my test and scanned over it. “Only missed one. That’s a shame, because I’d love to take more than on piece of clothing off of you right now.”

“Oh, Mr. Downs. I believe that’s very unprofessional of you.”

He smiled. “That is my middle name.”

“Ahem,” I heard from the door. I turned and saw Ms. Shay standing at the door. Her brown eyes were squinted and she was tapping her heel on the floor. “Hi, Liam. How are you?”

I couldn’t read Liam’s expression. “Fine, Shay. What’s up?”

“I wanted to tell you that you haven’t checked your teachers box yet. Here is your mail. Also, there is a fundraising dance this Friday and we need chaperons. Are you interested?”

Liam shook his head. “Nah, no thanks. But, thanks for bringing my mail. I’ll try to keep up with it for now on.”

I cleared my throat. “Mr. Downs, it will be fun to

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