Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,18

and I assumed it was because of the drinking she had been doing.

When I got to the kitchen, I tossed her on a bar stool. She stood up straight, eyes ablaze. “How dare you,” she spit out.

“How dare I what, Sarah?” I asked, stepping closer to her.

“How dare you take me into the bathroom and then have Shay on your arm. I’m not even supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be in my apartment with Matt. Not here, wanting you to take me. You’re not who I need in my life. You’re confusing me. I just fucking met you and now I want all of you. I’ve never had a desire to cheat, until now. I’ve never wanted my…teacher. What the hell is wrong with you?” She pushed against my chest.

Red swarmed my vision. This is my fault? I grabbed her wrists, holding them in one hand, gripping her chin with the other one. “How dare I, Sarah? If I’m not mistaken, I didn’t make you kiss me. I didn’t make you straddle my lap, or suck my finger. You willingly let me. Just like you’re going to willing let me have you now.”

She didn’t stop me. I knew she should, but I was utterly glad she didn’t. Gripping her hips, I pulled her toward me, encircling her legs around my waist.

She struggled to unleash her hands, but finally grabbed the nape of my neck and dug her fingers into me. Finally. My tongue parted her lips, and my dick jumped at the feeling of her tongue on mine. Reaching around I squeezed her ass, feeling the tightness and wanted to see it without any clothes between us. She kissed me harder, pushing me further into her legs, with her own. Sliding my hands up her sides, I slipped her shirt over her head. My mouth dried at the sight of her black lace bra, her silky breast hanging over it.

Tugging at the clasps, her breasts fell from their hold. Her nipples were pale, small and made me push back the overwhelming feeling to fuck her instantly.

I took one in my mouth, swirling my tongue around her nipple. She held my head, as if she was scared I would let go. “Don’t stop, Liam,” she moaned.

Smiling in her breasts, I traveled back up to her ear. “You want me to keep going, Sarah?”

She dug her nails into my arm. “Liam--,”

“Mr. Downs to you,” I said, nibbling at her ear. “Tell me what you want me to do to you, Sarah. Say it.”

She was quiet for a few long seconds. “I want you to take my breast in your mouth, Mr. Downs,” she said, lowly.

My dick jumped again. If I didn’t stop I would come all in my pants. “Say it louder,” I growled into her ear.

She whimpered, but it sounded more from pleasure. “Mr. Downs, take me in your mouth. Please,” she begged.

I smiled into her neck and took her nipple in my mouth. She gasped, holding my head still. She tightened her legs around me, grinding into my thigh. Fuck. With my other hand I gripped her other breast, it felt so full in my palm.

Unable to stop myself, I sat up. I grabbed her jean shorts unzipped them, and tossed them to the side in two seconds. Holy fuck. She was in matching panties a little pink bow on the front.

“Spread your legs,” I said, my voice low.

She obeyed, sliding them opened. Bending to my knees, I pulled her to the edge of the bar stool. Sliding my fingers over her, on the outside of her underwear, almost made me come. “Ah,” she groaned.

“Sarah it’s okay if you’re not ready for this. I think we should savor this. But, I want to see you come first. I want you to look at me, watch me so I can see your face.”

She was silent, body shaking. She nodded once, a look of pleading on her face. Pulling her panties to the slide, I slid my tongue against her. “Liam,” she gasped, holding my head in place. She shivered, but I pressed her thighs wider, keeping her in place. Lapping at her, I ran my tongue over her. “Liam,” she yelled this time, her body shaking.

“Open your eyes, look at me.”

Her eyes popped opened, her mouth parted and she looked down at me. “Liam,” she begged.

Giving her what she wanted, I slipped two fingers inside her and she exploded around me. Her face was the hottest damned thing I’d

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