Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,14

anything, I pushed past him. He grabbed at my arm but I snatched it away and went straight down the hallway toward my car. I was not going to any other classes today.

I drove sixty down the twenty five mile limit roads toward my apartment. I wanted to be alone. I wasn’t going to tell Matt I was home. I didn’t want him anywhere near me right now. He had a traveling game that weekend, and I was super excited about it. I had the weekend to think about how stupid I’d been to make out with my teacher. How stupid I was to believe that Mr. Downs would even want me anyway. Not to mention Matt jumped down my throat earlier because he called me and I didn’t answer. I was out with Mr. Downs but he didn’t need to know that. Then he said I was lying about being with Jamie. He knew I was lying. What the fuck did that mean? He called her before he called me to ask where I was? What kind of shit is that?

“God,” I mumbled, grabbing my bags and running upstairs. Cody was sitting on the floor, a canvas stretched out and paint covering him. “What are you doing?”

I glanced around and caught a glimpse of Zeus underneath the futon hiding. He was scared of Cody. Probably because he could be a tad overbearing sometimes. “I’m painting this damned tree for art class.” He sighed and wiped his forehead. “I hate this shit,” he mumbled.

I faked a smile and walked into the kitchen to grab me a drink. “So, why do I get the feeling you are feeling pretty blue right now?” Cody asked from the living room. “Come in here so I can see you.”

I took baby steps into the living room and held my head against the wall. “What, Cody?”

He sighed, and stood up holding his hands out so that he wouldn’t touch anything with the paint. “What happened?”

I shrugged. “I got mad…I pushed some books out of this student’s hands that was talking to Li-Mr. Downs.”

Cody grinned. “That a girl.”

I shook my head. “No, then he asked me why I did it? Then he accepted an invitation to go out with Ms. Shay. The History professor.”

Cody eyes widened. “Did you push her books down, too?”

I flipped him the bird.

“Come on. I’m sorry. You did agree that it couldn’t happen, right? He actually has the right to go out with her if he wants to. Just saying. Not to mention that you have a boyfriend of your own. Though, I think you should toss him to the curb.”

I knew that. “I know.”

“Hey,” Cody nudged my shoulder, “Why don’t we go out tonight. Let’s go to one of those clubs in Monroe. How about Scruff’s Night Club? Yeah, that’ll do.”

“I don’t feel like going--,”

“Yes, you do. And you will. We’ll leave at eight.”

Curse him.

Cody and I left Pine Valley at eight. If Cody was one thing it was punctual. He might leave his clothes everywhere, but he wasn’t going to be late. We weren’t even to Crossett yet when Cody started singing along to Taylor Swift on the radio. He had a pen in his hand and using it as a fake microphone. I laughed, and settled back into his Honda’s leather seat. Cody looked perfect, as usual. He had on a button down shirt, tucked into a pair of dark jeans and his hair perfectly quaffed.

If it hadn’t been for Cody I would have worn what I did to school. He threw a huge fit, so I changed. He had put me in a tight strapless shirt, a pair of white blue jean shorts and a pair of wedges. I sighed. It was adorable, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to look adorable. I just wanted to stay at home.

Shay had said they were going to Monroe, but I doubted they would be at a club. I’m sure they would be eating fancy and fucking in the backseat of Liam’s Hummer. She would be screaming his name, they’d get married and then have little teacher babies.

Oh, God.

“Hey, darling. We’re almost there, are you still being a Debby Downer? This is going to be fun.”

I faked a smile and glanced out the window as Monroe started to turn into the night life, I was hoping I would get lost in.

We pulled up to Scruff’s ten minutes later. Cody held his arm out for me, and I linked mine through

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