Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One) - Nikki Mays Page 0,43


I stand up and throw out my right arm with my palm up. “Lead the way.”

He gives me a smirk but dutifully turns around and starts walking presumably towards his office. I follow behind him a bit, thoroughly enjoying the view. The man really does have a nice butt. For real, most women would kill to have an ass like his.

When we make it to the top of the stairs, Danny turns down the hallway and as I predicted, walks straight into his office.

I take a deep breath in through my nose and follow right behind him. Now or never I suppose.

He waits for me to enter before closing the door behind us. I look around his office and smile to myself when I see the water bottle that I gave him sitting on his desk. It’s funny what can make you happy. I continue my perusal while studiously ignoring that fact that I know that Danny is watching me like a hawk. I can feel the caress of his eyes all over my body.

It’s always been like that with him. My body always knows when he’s near me or looking at me. It’s like every nerve in my body comes alive when he’s close.

Like now, I can feel him coming up behind me. He’s not close enough for me to feel his body heat, but I know that he’s there just the same.

I turn my head and look over my right shoulder and sure enough, there’s the man of my dreams. Unable to help myself, I narrow my eyes. “You know, it’s creepy to just come up and stand behind a woman. Someone might think that you’re a weird creeper.” The sass in my voice is undeniable.

He cocks his head to the side and gives me a full smile. “I wouldn’t have to be a creeper if someone would move fully into the office, instead of standing right in the middle. Where else was I supposed to go?”

“Around your desk to sit in your chair?” I drawl. We both know that there is plenty of room for him to move around and get to his seat.

He moves in closer and now I can fully feel the front of him. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me back so that our bodies are flush against each other.

My head rolls backwards and lands on his shoulder, totally without my permission. I look up into his eyes and it’s like my brain has decided to shut off. I couldn’t form a coherent thought if I wanted to.

He rubs his nose against the spot on my neck, behind my ear and inhales, causing goosebumps to break out all over my body. “Why would I want to sit in my chair when I can have you in my arms?” His voice is barely a whisper, but the words repeat loudly in my head.

“We should probably talk, Dan. We really have things that we need to discuss.” I say breathlessly. My breathing is coming out in short pants. Between my breathing and the way that my heart is racing, you would think that I just ran a marathon or something. But Danny’s presence has always done that to me.

“We probably should.” He agrees but makes no attempt to move away from me. If anything he’s somehow gotten even closer. He nibbles on my neck right behind my ear lobe. It takes all my willpower not to moan. He knows damn well that’s one of my spots.

“You’re not playing fair.” I groan out. Do I make any attempt to move away from him? Absolutely not. But at least we can both pretend that I’m putting up some resistance.

“When it comes to you, I’ve decided that I’ll never play fair. I’ll do everything in my power to never lose you again.” He says with such conviction that it makes my stomach flip.

I slowly turn and his hands remain on my hips. This is one of those times that I need to be able to look at him fully.

I tilt my head back to look up into his face. A face that holds nothing but determination and love. Both taking my breath away while making my heart gallop like a racehorse. “You don’t even have me right now Danny.” I say in a small voice.

He gives me a look that I can’t fully decipher. “Don’t I though? We both know that you wouldn’t be here alone with me if you hadn’t already decided Stace.” He

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