Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One) - Nikki Mays Page 0,24

down and try to control my shaking hands. This is not how I was planning on my day to go. But there is no way that I can’t not go and check on him. Regardless of our past, I need to make sure that he’s healing properly and that there isn’t anything seriously wrong with him. I would never forgive myself if there was and I was too chicken shit to go and see him.

I stand up from the couch and realize that I’m still in my pajamas that I’ve had on for longer than I’d care to admit. A quick shower won’t hurt anything, I think as I run into my bathroom and do just that.

Twenty or possibly thirty minutes later and I’m dressed. I take another look in the mirror and call it good. Just because we’re not together doesn’t mean that I want to look like a damn troll when I’m near him. I’m vain, sue me. It’s not like I did my hair too much or put a ton of makeup on. Jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt, and some converse sneakers are what I chose. Casual and definitely not trying to make him see what he’s missing out on. Nope, just girl next door me, who looks nothing like the made up, big boobed barbie that jumped into his arms….and going to stop that thought right there.

It’s best if I just don’t think about that. No need to be pissed off and behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.

I grab my stuff and walk out of my house wishing more than anything that I was staying home to finish my book. But I’m a big girl and can deal with seeing my ex-boyfriend. I just need to remember that I’m there in a professional manner and not as the woman that he’s sleeping with. Even if sleeping is something that we did very little of.

Yup, probably best not to think about those times as well. I’ve had to buy a ton of batteries since I ended things. I’m afraid that I’m going to run out the motor on my vibrator if I don’t get a handle on all the memories that come to me at night. Well, that or I just need to buy an extra one…maybe two.

I make the drive to his house completely on autopilot while thinking about vibrators. Shit. I hope that I didn’t run any red lights or anything. I swear that I just got into my freaking car. With my luck, I’ll probably be getting several tickets in the mail for traffic violations or something. I’m not even near him yet and I’m already consumed by him. This is not making me feel like the professional that I am.

I’m a nurse who has dealt with some of the craziest shit that you can imagine. I was even able to keep calm and a straight face when a man came into the Emergency Room one shift with a toilet brush stuck up his butt. Thankfully it was brand new when he stuck it in, because he “wanted an extra sensation” while having sex with his wife. I truthfully hope that those two never have children. Certain genes just shouldn’t be passed along. And I’m pretty sure that stupidity can be passed down.

I take a few more calming breaths and step out of my car. I go into my trunk and take out the emergency bag that I keep in there. It has stuff to bandage and clean wounds. As well as a few other things that I may need. I always keep it on me just in case I see an accident somewhere or something. You can never be too prepared.

I walk up to his door and ring the doorbell. I ignore the shakiness of my hands. I’ll just chalk that up to the decent amount of caffeine that I’ve ingested today.

I hear him call out and listen as his heavy footsteps get closer and closer. My traitorous heart feels as though it’s about to leap out of my damn chest.

Get a grip Stacey! I mentally chastise myself.

Danny opens the door and all of the air whooshes out of my lungs. He’s standing there in only low, very low, slung grey sweatpants and nothing else. Good Lord give me strength because his wound is the last thing that I look at when that’s the only reason that I’m here. Nope, my eyes drink up that damn V that leads to a very

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