A Tangled Web - R.G. Alexander Page 0,18

her fingers to his open mouth. He took his time, licking off every trace of the creamy concoction. But he didn’t stop when it was gone.

She felt every swipe of his tongue against her index finger as though he were licking her thighs, her clit. Each time he sucked she thought about the thick, denim-covered bulge currently pressed between her legs. And sex. She thought about sex with Liam.

Her legs lifted to wrap around his hips and pull him closer and, before she could stop herself, her free hand gripped the fabric of his shirt and tugged.

She saw his eyes open in surprise when she pulled her fingers out of his mouth and covered his lips with her own. He held back for a moment, mumbling her name against her lips, but she only clung tighter until he gave in with a moan.

Stars again. He made her see stars. They were falling behind her closed eyes and granting every wish she’d ever had.

How many times had she been disappointed by a man’s kiss? They were never anything like they were in the movies. Too wet. Too clumsy. Too open or closed. She used to wonder if she was just picky. If there was something wrong with her, like more than one of her previous dates had suggested.

But then she’d never been kissed the way Liam was kissing her. It was exactly what she needed. Greedy and restrained with enough hints of desperation to make her feel powerful. Desirable. Necessary.

How did he instinctively know that she loved having her lower lip sucked? That the way he groaned into her mouth when she tangled his tongue with hers would make her crave more?

He knew how to touch her, too. His hands were masterful. Confident in a way that made her wet. When he cupped the cheeks of her ass and dragged her against his erection she almost wept in relief.

Yes. Just like that.

She couldn’t stop the sounds that were escaping her throat with each thrust. She pressed closer, her hard nipples aching for friction. For a repeat of this morning. But there were too many clothes between them.

Liam tore his mouth from hers, his chest lifting and falling rapidly, his breath coming in hard pants. “Dani, you’ve been drinking, honey. We really need to stop befo—”

Don’t stop. Not yet. Don’t let him stop.

She reached for the hem of her T-shirt and lifted it swiftly over her head. She needed to feel his naked skin against hers again. Now.

He looked so shocked she almost laughed.

“My bra is in the pool, too. Surprise.”

“You’re not playing fair.” Liam rasped, flatteringly distracted by the flesh she’d revealed.

“That’s true.” She knew he was a breast man. You couldn’t live with someone for as long as she had without discovering a few of his quirks. “What did I win?”

He licked his lips. “You don’t want to know what I’ve imagined doing to these breasts.”

She was dying to know. “Tell me.”

“Are you sure?” His hands flexed on her ass. “My feelings about them aren’t very friendly or polite.”

The longer his gaze lingered, the harder it was to breathe. She cupped her breasts and held them out like an offering. “Don’t be polite.”

Liam groaned, his knuckles lifting to graze her nipples, his handsome face flushed with arousal. “Every time you get excited, they bounce, did you know that? You rock on the balls of your feet and they just…jiggle. I shouldn’t admit this, but every single time it happens, all I can picture is you riding my cock.”

He did? “You do?”

His smile was pained, but he kept stroking her flesh, making her tremble. “They’re my weakness. Some days I think I might do anything for the chance to suck on them until you’re begging to come. To claim them in every way possible.”

“How many ways are there?” She blushed as soon as she whispered the words, especially when he tilted his head back with an agonized groan.

“Fuck, Dani. What are you saying? Would I be the first to show you how sensitive they can be with the right kind of attention? The first to squeeze them around my cock? To fuck them?”

His voice was so low and guttural, she wasn’t sure he meant to ask that out loud. She’d never heard him talk like this before. She hadn’t known he could. It was insanely dirty. Unbelievably hot. She wanted to hear more. Wanted to feel everything he was describing.

“Do you want to taste them?”

He moaned again, meeting her gaze with

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