A Tangled We - Leslie Rule Page 0,11

monogamous thing!’”

He told Liz, “You can be here or not. Your call, but I’m going to do what I’m going to do.” He had no objection to sex with Liz, but she had to understand that that’s all it was. He was going to see other women. He was not Liz’s boyfriend and never would be. He looked her in the eye and said, “We’re not going to ever be together.”

Though Dave didn’t volunteer details about the other women he saw, he didn’t hesitate to tell Liz the reason he was unavailable if she tried to arrange to get together on a night he had other plans. “I can’t tonight,” he’d tell her. “I’ve got a date.”

The first time Liz popped into Dave’s place just before he was about to leave to meet someone, he didn’t think much of it. She wanted sex, and he obliged. It took a while for him to notice a pattern. “She’d call and ask me, ‘What are you doing tonight?’ and I’d say, ‘I’m going on a date. This is my night. Good-bye.’ And then I’d come home from work, and she’d be waiting for me, just to get it on with me before I went on a date. It took me about three times to catch on, and then I thought, ‘Wait a minute! She’s trying to wear me out!’ Afterward she’d say, ‘Okay, bye,’ like now she thought I wasn’t motivated to go out and chase anybody else. It didn’t slow me down. She was trying, but I’m not that old,” he says, explaining that by the time he wined and dined his date that enough time had passed to revive him.

While Dave continued to remind Liz that he was not committed to her, she made it clear that she wasn’t seeing anyone else. “I’m not all there is,” he told her. “I’m just a guy. Go on some dates! Go get laid!”

“I’m not like that,” she insisted, stressing that her morals were too high to do as he suggested. “I’m not going to do what you’re doing!”

“Don’t expect me to change,” he warned her. “You’re wasting your time if you’re waiting around for me to change. I’m going to date, and you should, too.”

Liz shook her head, adamant that she didn’t plan to see anyone else. She told him that she had deleted her profile from the Plenty of Fish website.

“I’ll help you make a new profile,” he suggested, but she demurred, saying she wouldn’t feel comfortable dating more than one man at a time. If Liz wanted to hang around hoping he’d change his mind, that was her choice. Short of telling her to get lost, he didn’t know how to make his position more clear. He never deliberately hurt anyone’s feelings, and he didn’t want to crush Liz. Maybe she would move on once she realized he wasn’t going to change. He continued to see other ladies, but there was no one who knocked his socks off, no one who made him rethink his vow to remain a bachelor.

Not only did Liz try to fulfill Dave sexually before he left for dates, she made their nights together sizzle. “Liz was very kinky.” She wasn’t shy about trying new things and trying them in new places, including public places. Smack in the middle of a bright, sunny day, the two were visiting a park, and they set out on one of the many well-traveled nature trails. Suddenly, Liz grabbed Dave’s arm and pulled him off the path, making her intentions clear as her hands traveled over his body and tugged at his jeans. They sunk into the grass, just out of view of people walking by. “There I was with the sun shining on my bare butt!” he recalls.

Though no one could see them, they were well aware of the passersby just a few feet away, and the risk of getting caught made the sex all the more thrilling. Dave had come a long way from the days he sat on the hard pew in the Southern Baptist Church and listened to the preacher’s warnings about sinning and Hell. He’d long since shed the religion and did not believe sex outside of marriage was a sin, but he certainly didn’t want to be arrested for public indecency. No one caught them, and they pulled their clothes back on quickly, giggling as they slipped back onto the trail.

Dave had to admit that Liz had it going on when she dressed up

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