Taming a Texas Rascal (Bad Boy Ranch #6) - Katie Lane Page 0,36

the severity of him returning to bronc riding.”

She knew Dixie was right, but she also knew how hard it would be for her to give up a sport she loved so much. “It’s gonna break his heart. He loves—”

A tap on her window cut her off. She turned to see Luanne and Raynelle standing there. Maisy knew what the women would want to talk about, which was why she didn’t want to roll down the window.

Unfortunately, Dixie had the controls for all the windows on her side and quickly rolled Maisy’s down. “Hey, there, Luanne and Ray. Is the meetin’ over already?”

“The mayor adjourned it early because folks were a little distracted.” Luanne sent Maisy a pointed look. “How are feeling, sugar? We all knew what you were doing in the bathroom. Everyone swears that ginger ale and soda crackers help with morning sickness, but the only thing that worked for me when I was pregnant was pickles. With four kids, Bud always says he should’ve bought stock in Vlasic for all the money he’s given them over the years.”

“Pickles didn’t work with me,” Raynelle said. “Just the smell of vinegar made me toss my cookies. So are you and Sawyer going to get hitched? Or are you gonna have one of them relationships like Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell? I always thought marriage was the way to go until I married my idiot husband. Now I’m thinking Goldie and Kurt have the right idea.”

Maisy glanced over at Dixie for help, but Dixie was too busy fighting her laughter. Maisy glared at her before she turned back to the women.

“I’m not having morning sickness. And Sawyer and I aren’t getting married. I don’t even know if I’m pregnant.”

Raynelle glared at Luanne. “Because certain people scared you off from getting a pregnancy test.”

“I did not scare her off, Ray,” Luanne snapped. “I was just being friendly.” She smiled at Maisy. “But just in case I did, I bought you this.” She held out a pregnancy test. “According to the box, it works in minutes. In fact, you could run right into the Simple Market and use their bathroom. Couldn’t she, Ray?”

Dixie released a choked cough while Maisy took the box. “Thank you so much, Luanne, but I think I’ll just do it at home.”

Raynelle swatted Luanne. “Of course she wants to do it at home.” She sighed. “With that cute bad boy Sawyer Dawson.”

“Nobody wants to pee on a stick in front of a hot cowboy, Ray.” Luanne bent over more and peeked in at Dixie. “You didn’t let Lincoln beat him up, did you? Because he sure looked like he wanted to at the meeting.”

Dixie finally got her laugher under control and flapped a hand. “Now y’all know that Lincoln and Sawyer are best friends. Lincoln was just surprised Sawyer hadn’t mentioned a word about getting Maisy pregnant. Not that she is, mind you.” She started her car. “Well, I better get back to work.”

“I need to get back to work too,” Raynelle said. “You take care of yourself, Maisy. Make sure you get plenty of rest and eat plenty of fiber. I got constipated with my son and had the worst hemorrhoids ever.” She shook her head as she turned to leave. “I should’ve known then that the kid would be a pain in my ass the rest of his life.”

When Raynelle was gone, Luanne looked back at Maisy. “You’ll let us know about the results, right?”

“Now, Luanne,” Dixie cut in. “You have to give Sawyer and Maisy a little time to adjust to the idea of having a baby before they go shoutin’ the news from the rooftops. We shouldn’t be gossiping about it until we know for sure.”

Luanne drew an imaginary zipper across her lips. “My lips are sealed. Although this has given me an idea for new bracelets. Wouldn’t it be cute if I spelled out ‘Mama To Be’ in beads? With the way Simple’s population is booming, I could make a fortune.” She waved her hand. “Nice talking to y’all. Now I better get home and take care of Bud and his man cold.”

After Luanne walked away, Dixie burst out laughing.

“I think I hate you, Dixie Leigh Hayes,” Maisy grumbled.

“I’m sorry, honey, but you have to admit it’s kinda funny.”

“They’re going to be very disappointed when they find out I’m not pregnant.”

“For about two seconds. Once Reba announces she’s expecting, they’ll forget all about you. Now I better get back to the office and make

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